Created By : Sayak Naskar
License : MIT
Email: [email protected]
Free, Open-Source Emailing System for Blind
The project is a python-based
application for visually impaired persons using speech to text voice response, thus enabling everyone to control their mail accounts using their voice only and to be able to read,send, and perform all the other useful tasks. The system will prompt the user with voice commands to perform certain action and the user will respond to the same. The main benefit of this system is that the use of mouse is completely eliminated, the user will have to respond through voice only.
- Send email via voice.
- Fetch unseen emails.
- Count number of unseen emails.
If you want to save the mp3 files in other directory then just follow the below instruction otherwise don't modify anything.
Just add your desktop directory in code where I have used
words in several lines. If you don't know your desktop directory then just openterminal
orcommand prompt
and paste the below code. Like:C:\Users\sayak\Desktop
(this is my desktop directory).%userprofile%\Desktop
Also paste your
email id
in line number 104. -
invalid or unsupported audio file
occurs orRecall that only FLAC, AIFF, and RIFF WAV files are supported
occurs then try this link. Read the file withlibrosa
, then convert it back to a temporary.wav
file. Then read it back with thewave
package. -
Okay so for SMTPAuthenticationError just visit this site. Allow the less secure apps: ON
Windows Installation
C:\Users\sayak>git clone
C:\Users\sayak>cd voice-based-email-for-blind
C:\Users\sayak>python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Linux Installation
root@kali:~/git clone
root@kali:~/cd voice-based-email-for-blind
root@kali:~/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- In some system, it requires avbin so keep it as it is. Don't delete those exe files.
- So install
. I have provided two types of avbin. Just install one of them according your architecture. - If your system needs this then just uncomment line number 13 & 14 in the code.
- For more info have a look on this AVbin
- For download manually AVbin
Select your achitecture & Download Pyaudio from this link.
Open the terminal where you have kept your
file and add the following command in terminal.pip install PyAudio-0.2.11-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
This is a personal development, please respect its philosophy.
**Note: I will try to modify this code and will upload the modified version. But due to some personal issue I am not able to complete it.
Feel free to open issues or PRs for any problem you may encounter, typos that you see or aspects that are confusing. Contributions are welcome, open an issue or email me if you have something you want to work on.
I really appreciate all kinds of feedback. Thanks for using and supporting this project!