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Motika project aims to improve the UX and ease the user when it comes to creating multisig accounts, generating and signing offline multisig transactions and inspecting the result of such after they get broadcasted, mined and finalized in the Secret Network.

The project is dependant on secretcli which is the CLI tool for interacting with secret network.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

Use one of the following commands to either spin up the hot-reloading dev environment to be used in a local browser or in an electron wrapped UI.

npm run serve
npm run electron:serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build
npm run electron:build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


We use the gitflow workflow this is also helpful.

  • Development of features happens in branches made from develop called feature/ like feature/add-close-button.
  • When development is finished a pull request to develop is created. At least one person has to review the PR and when everything is fine the PR gets merged.
  • To make a new release create a release branch called release/X.X.X, also bump the version number in package.json in this branch.
  • Create a PR to main which then also has to be accepted.
  • Create a tag for this version and push the tag.
  • Also merge back the changes (like the version bump) into develop.


  • Use rebase instead of merge to update your codebase, except when a PR gets included in a branch.
  • Use meaningfull descriptions and titles in commit messages.
  • Explain what you did in your PRs, add images whenever possible for showing the status before/after the change visually.