Containerized tools for on-the-go troubleshooting and developing in alien environments.
By: Garth Johnson & others
The purpose of this container image is to provide tools that can help diagnose issues and ease/simplify development struggles on alien envirnments.
Additionally, this container image can easily used for:
- devlopment new container prototypes
- debugging container builds and deployments
- educational intents for container development/examples (i.e. workflows and devcontainers)
You can find more at:
- source:
- release images:
Using the docker-compose.yml
file (included) makes certain tasks easier. For example, opening a self-removing ZShell instance can be done lke so:
docker compose run --rm app1
Using tcpdump
can either be done from within a shell of the toolbox container, or direct commandline like so:
docker run --rm -it --net=host sudo tcpdump
You can also run arbitrary commands and scripts directly from the commandline like so:
docker compose run --rm -it app1 ./
This image implements Python Invoke, for managing shell-oriented subprocesses and organizing executable Python code into CLI-invokable tasks. There are a few basic tasks defined as examples already.
List available invoke commands from outside the container:
docker compose exec app1 inv --list
Check internet speed using speedtest:
docker compose exec app1 inv speedtest
Use a command that requires elevated privileges:
docker compose exec -u root app1 inv dockerinfo
Some possible tasks to add-to/replace the default options:
- test for proxy in the environment
- test for internet access issues
- scan ports on target host
- get network response times
- setup a reverse proxy for remote shell (outbond from container host to remote support system)
- create a container project from defined template
Use the portainer-compose.yml
file and modify to your hearts content.