A simple sharing of my eww setup on Hyprland to serve as an example or basis for learning how to create your own desktop environment. Many thanks to @ElKowar for this awesome standalone widget system made in Rust. To be used without moderation.
In order to keep this clean, and being only an eww configuration, my dotfiles are on a separate repository Hyprwwland-dotfiles.
Type | Link |
Distro | arch |
AUR Helper | paru |
Compositor | hyprland |
Widgets | eww |
Notifications | dunst |
Clipboard | wl-clipboard cliphist |
Lock Screen | swayidle swaylock-effects |
Sound | pipewire wireplumber pulsemixer myxer |
Brightness Control | light (archived 02/04/23) |
Wallpaper Manager | hyprpaper |
App Launcher | fuzzel |
File Manager | felix |
Core Utilities | coreutils (rust rewrite) |
System info | neofetch duf macchina |
Monitoring | btop htop bandwhich sniffnet |
Shell | nushell |
Terminal | alacritty |
Terminal Prompt | starship |
Terminal Tools | zellij zoxide vivid broot |
Terminal Pager | bat less most delta |
Text Editor | helix |
Network | networkmanager |
VPN | wireguard |
Multimedia Support | gstreamer ffmpeg mpv |
Music Player | termusic |
Media Downloader | yt-dlp |
Web Browser | librewolf |
Screenshots | hyprshot grim slurp |
Screen Recorder | wayfarer |
Image Viewer | feh |
Image Editor | gimp |
Color Picker | hyprpicker |
Document Viewer | zathura |
Cursors | capitaine-cursors |
Fonts | Nerd Fonts |
Icons | papirus-icon-theme |
Themes | breeze-gtk adwaita-qt Catppuccin |
GUI Settings Editor | nwg-look qt5ct qt6ct |
Desktop Portal | xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland |
Xmpp Client | gajim |
- Install eww and Hyprland with the minimum requirements :
paru --needed -S hyprland eww-wayland dunst libnotify libcanberra \
hyprpaper swayidle swaylock-effects-git neofetch duf \
wl-clipboard cliphist pulsemixer myxer-bin light jaq \
networkmanager sound-theme-freedesktop socat fd
- Install required fonts :
paru --needed -S ttf-anonymouspro-nerd ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd \
ttf-ubuntu-nerd ttf-meslo-nerd papirus-icon-theme
- Clone the repository in your
config folder :
git clone https://github.com/grm34/Hyprwwland "$HOME/.config/eww"
The config is located in ~/.config/eww/config.json
"aur_helper": "paru",
"terminal": "alacritty",
"terminal_cmd": "alacritty -e",
"web_browser": "librewolf",
To be notified of new updates allow paru
to be runned without password in ~/etc/sudoers
<username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/paru
- Edit
exec-once = wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store
exec-once = wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store
exec-once = dunst
exec-once = hyprpaper
exec-once = eww open-many bar dock
- Create
preload = ~/.config/eww/assets/wallpapers/od_neon.png
preload = ~/.config/eww/assets/wallpapers/od_tokyo.jpg
wallpaper = ~/.config/eww/assets/wallpapers/od_neon.png