Run your very own Matrix for Tamagotchis, where they are cared for by a benevolent artificial intelligence.
The project is setup as a Docker container. After you've installed Docker, simply run:
# Build the image
docker build .
# List all of your images, and make note of the id of the image you just built
docker images
# Start a container with the image you built
docker run -td -p 3000:80 <image-id>
Now you can go to localhost:3000
in your browser and see your Matrix running!
The Docker setup will start a Tamagotchi emulator for each ROM in the roms/
directory. There's 5 starters provided
there. If you would like to have more Tamagotchis running, simply add more ROMs to this folder. I plan on streamlining
this process, but for now look at the original README for this project below, and follow the emulator usage instructions
to create new ROMs.
To keep the container running, the Dockerfile runs tail -f /dev/null
at the end of the setup. This means a typical
docker attach <container-id>
won't work. Instead, if you'd like to connect to the container while it's running,
simply run:
docker exec -it <container-id> bash
This project works great with dokku! Simply push this repo to your dokku server and it'll just work.
However, I do highly recommend you run the following dokku command before deploying to disable logs:
dokku docker-options:add <app-name> deploy "--log-driver=none"
Otherwise, you may find that logs are quickly filling up your server!
On my $10 DigitalOcean box, each instance of the emulator takes up ~10.1% of the CPU. That's why I've limited the number of pets to 5.
However, it's worth noting that they take up very little RAM and disk space. From the looks of DigitalOcean's site, both the $5 and $10 instances both get 1 CPU, so if you're just running Tamatrix and want some cheap hosting, you could probably run 9 of them on the $5 instance without issue.
Because each Tamatrix server exposes a simple API, it's easy to build other viewers. Here's a list:
- Android: Link
This is effectively a fork of the codebase created by Spritesmods. The original repository is hosted on a personal git server and can be retrieved with the following:
git clone
The details of the original project can be found here.
The original README follows:
This contains all the software I've used/written for the Tamagotchi Matrix and viewer.
The directory structure:
/emu/ - The Tamagotchi emulator.
/server/ - The TamaServer, which connects the Tamagotchis and allows them to communicate.
/web/ - Sources for the web viewer as seen on
/viewer/ -Tamagotchi viewer
/viewer/esp12 - ESP12 part of Tamagotchi viewer
/viewer/remtama - Tama-Go figurine code to allow modifying display from buttons
Some notes:
The Tamagotchi Emulator
Run 'make' to make this. It shouldn't require anything special except gcc. Run the tamaemu binary to start it up. You can control the Tamagotchi yourself by pressing the 1, 2 or 3 key followed by an enter. Control-C will drop you into a debugging prompt, press control-C again to quit the emulator.
When you first start up the emulator, it may be wise to do it with the -n parameter. This disables the AI. The very first thing that happens on an empty EEPROM is the Tamagotchi asking to set the time and date, and the AI doesn't know how to do that. The trick is to start tamaemu with the -n parameter, then use the 1, 2 and 3 keys (followed by an enter!) to set the date and name your Tamagotchi. There's no need to set the true time and date, by the way, gameplay doesn't seem to be dependent on that. After you've done this and the Tamagotchi has hatched, you can re-start tamaemu without the -n option and the AI should be able to do its thing.
The Tamagotchi server
Just run 'make' and start it up. The Tamagotchis running on the same server will automatically connect to it.
The Tamagotchi webviewer
You'll need a PHP-enabled webserver (I used Apache) to run this. The webserver should be on the same machine as the Tamaserver runs; they use non-networkable shared memory segments to communicate.
The Tamagotchi viewer
This consists of two subdirectories: one for the ESP12 module which communicates over WiFi to the Tamaserver and one for the SPI flash chip which should be connected to the Tama-Go port of the Tamagotchi. To assemble the latter, check out Natalies Egg-shell repo (git checkout, copy the remtama directory into the tASMgotchi directory, cd into the remtama dir and run 'make'. Use an Egg-Shell board or any flashrom-supported programmer to flash the resulting remtama.bin. (Check the Makefile for an example.)
For the esp12 part, you need a working ESP8266 SDK and toolchain. If you have, just run 'make' in the ESP8266 directory, and use 'make flash' to flash the code into an ESP12. The connections needed to control the Tamagotchi are: Button 0 - GPIO0 Button 1 - GPIO13 Button 2 - GPIO12 Make sure the other GPIOs have pullups/pulldowns as required to allow the ESP12 to boot from SPI flash. I suggest also wiring the reset input to the reset button of the Tamagotchi, to make resetting both easier.
With the thing assembled, to pick an access point to connect to, hold button1 of the Tamagotchi for >5 seconds. The ESP12 should now go into access point mode. Connect to it and point a webbrowser at to select an access point.