This project scans all yaml files in a target directory and extracts all images from the files as a list. The script than pulls the image, tags it, and pushes it to a public or private registry using a registry prefix. This script assumes you are already authenticated to your container registry.
Set the following variables. target_dir
refers to the folder containing the Kubernetes manifests. registry_prefix
refers to the public or private docker registry you want to import all images too.
Test the functionality by copying and importing a 1:1 copy from the online boutique application images into your own repository. The only requirement is making sure the script is pointed at the correct folder.
Usage: ./k8s-image-importer -u targetUrl -d targetDir -r registryPrefix
-d Import all container images within a directory.
-u Import all container images using an http/https address.
-r The container registry where the images will be sent.
# Import apigee-hybrid and cert-manager images...
./k8s-image-importer \
-d ./apigee-hybrid \
# Import istio images 1.9.8...
./k8s-image-importer \
-d ./istio-1.9.8-asm.6 \
# Import istio images 1.12.0...
./k8s-image-importer \
-d ./istio-1.12.0-asm.0 \
# Import online boutique images...
./k8s-image-importer \
-d ./online-boutique \
# Import prometheus stack images...
./k8s-image-importer \
-d ./kube-prometheus \
# Import from URL...
./k8s-image-importer \
-u \