Here are a few Sake tasks to make developing with Git easier (and some corresponding Git aliases to
make invoking them easier). Install them with:
$ rake install
Or, if you don’t want to actually download this stuff, just use Sake:
$ sake -i ""
$ sake git:update
Updates your current git repository, autodetecting whether you have a regular ol’ git project or a
git-svn project. I recommend aliasing it git up
$ sake git:push
Commits any changes in your current branch not yet pushed upstream and ports ’em over to master. I use git ci
for this one.
$ sake git:open [NAME=mynewbranch]
Creates a new branch off master. Think of this as opening an issue, or a new path of development. I use git open
for this one, allowing you to call it like so:
$ git open mynewbranch
You can even call it without the branch name and it’ll ask you for it:
$ git open * Name your branch: mynewbranch
$ sake git:close [NAME=mynewbranch]
This is open’s brother, and should be used when you finish something and have already moved it to
master or upstream. If you haven’t yet, don’t worry – this won’t eat your data. Like open, this one I alias to git close
Thanks to Coda Hale and everyone else at Wesabe for trying these out when I first wrote them and
contributing tasks of their own, and to the Rubinius folks for giving me the idea in the first place.