automatically triages Grafana issues using OpenAI Models
You can use the tool with GitHub Actions to automatically triage issues.
For more information, refer to GitHub Action integration
Go 1.22.3 or higher installed
environment variable set to a GitHub personal access token with at least read access to public repositories. -
environment variable set to an OpenAI API key.If you want the tool to also update the issue with the generated labels you can pass the
flag. To update issues with labels, your token must also have the permissions to add labels to issues.
To run auto-triager
, use the following command:
mage -v run:triagerOpenAI <ISSUE ID>
is the issue ID you want to triage.
Usage of ./bin/linux_amd64/triager-openai:
Add labels to the issue in the repo via the GitHub API
-categorizerModel string
Model to use (default "gpt-4o")
-issueId int
Github Issue ID (only the number)
-repo string
Github repo to push the issue to (default "grafana/grafana")
-retries int
Number of retries to use when categorizing an issue (default 5)
-labelsFile string
Labels file. One label per line (default "fixtures/categoryLabels.txt")
-typesFile string
Types file. One label per line (default "fixtures/typeLabels.txt")
-promptFile string
Prompt with instructions on how to categorize the issue (default "fixtures/prompt.txt")
flowchart TD
Start([Tool Called]) --> ReadIssue[Read GitHub Issue]
ReadIssue --> |"-issueId from -repo"| ConsultLLM[Consult LLM]
subgraph LLM Process
ConsultLLM --> |"-prompt\n-labelsFile\n-typesFile"| ModelProcess[Process with Model]
ModelProcess --> Categories[Return Categories]
Categories --> AddLabels{"-addLabels\npassed?"}
AddLabels --> |Yes| GHToken{Valid\nGH_TOKEN?}
GHToken --> |Yes| AssignLabels[Assign Labels to Issue]
GHToken --> |No| PrintJSON[Print Result JSON]
AddLabels --> |No| PrintJSON
AssignLabels --> PrintJSON
PrintJSON --> End([End])