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Team Members

  • Grace Mao, pd 10
  • Amanda Zheng, pd 10
  • George Zhou, pd 10


Our final project is a simplified version of the classic Mafia game in the terminal. Using networking, users will be able to run the game, with one host server, and play a full game, complete with night and day rounds, as well as a suitable number of mafia, detectives, and nurses. Up to 12 players can play, but no less than 3 players. During the night phase, the mafia will choose who to kill, the detectives will choose who to investigate, and the nurses will choose who to heal. During the day phase, each user will be able to input a statement defending themselves, after which users will vote for who they think is the mafia. The game will continue until the mafia are all dead or the number of mafia is equal to the number of other players.


First make sure to compile everything!

$ make

Second, run the main server on a separate terminal. This will handle game control, like initiating the game when all the players have joined.

$ ./server

Next, you can run the game on other terminals or machines. Make sure to specify the correct IP Address, if you are going to use a custom IP address! Otherwise, it will use localhost. In addition, there must be a minimum of 3 players. The maximum number of players is 12

$ ./mafia

Now you can play! To initiate game play, the main server terminal must indicate in agreement that the game will begin, like so:

3 players in the game. Ready to start? (yes/no)

You must respond correctly with "yes" or "no" and then press the Return key on your keyboard. Responding with any other response will cause the program to fail. In addition, if there are 4 or more users connected, but you are still on the prompt concerning with 3 people, that is okay! If you say yes, it will start the game without the latest players, and only play with the first 3 people in the game. If you say no, then it will give you the prompt regarding 4 players. In addition, what's cool as that the main server also prints information of what is happening in the game.

At the beginning of the game, everyone gets to choose a username. If you choose a username with no length or greater than 15 characters, it will prompt you to provide a different one. However, it does not check if a username is taken. Then, everyone gets assigned one of the four following roles: Civilian, Mafia, Detective, and Nurse. Civilians are basically useless. Mafia gets to kill one person during the night phase. Nurse gets to heal one person during the night phase. Detectives get to find out the role of one other person in the night phase.

Once the game begins, the day phase will begin. The first day, there will be nothing for you to do. Then, comes the night phase, where each of the following roles can do their actions:

  • Mafia will get to choose to kill person. If there are more than one mafia, only one mafia per turn gets to pick who dies. First, the mafia will be given a list of players to kill from, which excludes himself and other mafia. If he types the wrong name, then he will be prompted to pick again.
Mafia! Here are all of your victims.
Victims: a, b, c
\Vote for your victim: aba

You have voted for an invalid victim.
Here are all of your possible victims.
Victims: a, b, c
\Vote for your victim: b
You have selected to kill: b

Waiting for Detective...

Waiting for Nurse...
  • Detective will get to choose to investigate one person. The person must be a player that is playing right now, or else they will be prompted to choose again. Likewise with mafia, if there are more than one detective, then only one detective gets to pick per round. It is possible to investigate yourself, but that is kind of stupid.
Waiting for Mafia...

Detective! Here are all of your suspects.
Suspects: a, b, c, d
\Choose to investigate a suspect: aba

You have voted for an invalid suspect.
Here are all of your possible suspects.
Victims: a, b, c, d
\Choose to investigate a suspect: b
You have selected to investigate: b
b's identity is: Civilian

Waiting for Nurse...
  • Nurse will get to choose to save one person to save. The person must be a player that is playing right now, or else they will be prompted to choose again. Likewise with mafia, if there are more than one nurse, then only one nurse gets to pick per round.
Waiting for Mafia...

Waiting for Detective...

Nurse! Here are all of your patients:
Patients: a, b, c, d
\Choose to save a patient: aba

You have voted for an invalid patient.
Here are all of your possible patients.
Patients: a, b, c, d
\Choose to save a patient: b
You have selected to save: b

Afterwards, when all roles have gotten a turn, you will get a message saying whether you have survived or died. Note that if the nurse and mafia pick the same person, then nobody dies.

What comes next is the day phase. Here, the person who died gets announced to everyone. Then, everybody has a chance to say one statement of at most 900 characters (which goes unchecked, so you should count them yourself or your game will break) about who they think the murderer is. Those statements get displayed to everyone, and then they will get a chance to vote. If you are spectating the game, you cannot say a statement, but you can also view them. Then, you must pay $3 for us to continue the game. Voting will take into account ties and who died. If there's a tie, no one dies.

Limitations and Bugs

And unfortunately, the game can only last one cycle. The game breaks after the second night and we don't know why. Sorry :(. Our code simply doesn't like us.

In all seriousness, the game does not continue going after the mafia votes for a second person to kill in the second night. While it writes the victim to the host, none of the clients receive the signal to keep going, so the game blocks. However, everything that we've implemented is testable through the first day and night. The mafia may die, making the game end. Or someone else may die, and the mafia will win. Or no one dies! Yay!

We were able to implement pipes, memory allocation, forking, and networking. You can also see that we close all the servers correctly and we free all of our allocated memory.

We are very sorry that we couldn't get the rest of our code to work. We didn't have enough time and we didn't expect to encounter so much networking, as you can probably tell from our timeline in our original proposal.

But we hope you enjoy this game anyway!


Team GAG


Systems Final Project






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Contributors 3
