Golang client for Disque, the Persistent Distributed Job Priority Queue.
- Persistent - Jobs can be either in-memory or persisted on disk[1].
- Distributed - Disque pool. Multiple producers, multiple consumers.
- Job Priority Queue - Multiple queues. Consumers
from higher priority queues first. - Fault tolerant - Jobs must be replicated to N nodes before
returns. Consumer mustAck()
the job within a specifiedRetryAfter
timeout or the job will be re-queued automatically.
Note: The examples below ignore error handling for readability.
import (
func main() {
// Connect to Disque pool.
jobs, _ := disque.New("") // Accepts more arguments.
defer jobs.Close()
// Enqueue three jobs with different priorities.
job1, _ := jobs.Add(data1, "high")
job2, _ := jobs.Add(data2, "low")
job3, _ := jobs.Add(data3, "urgent")
// Block until job3 is done.
import (
func main() {
// Connect to Disque pool.
jobs, _ := disque.New("") // Accepts more arguments.
defer jobs.Close()
for {
// Get job from highest priority queue possible. Blocks by default.
job, _ := jobs.Get("urgent", "high", "low") // Left-to-right priority.
// Do some hard work with the job data.
if err := Process(job.Data); err != nil {
// Failed. Re-queue the job.
// Acknowledge (dequeue) the job.
Config option | Default value | Description |
Timeout | 0 | Block on each operation until it returns. |
Replicate | 0 | Job doesn't need to be replicated before Add() returns. |
Delay | 0 | Job is enqueued immediately. |
RetryAfter | 0 | Don't re-queue job automatically. |
TTL | 0 | Job lives until it's ACKed. |
MaxLen | 0 | Unlimited queue. |
jobs, _ := disque.New("")
config := disque.Config{
Timeout: time.Second, // Each operation fails after 1s timeout elapses.
Replicate: 2, // Replicates job to 2+ nodes before Add() returns.
Delay: time.Hour, // Schedules the job (enqueues after 1h).
RetryAfter: time.Minute, // Re-queues the job after 1min of not being ACKed.
TTL: 24 * time.Hour, // Removes the job from the queue after one day.
MaxLen: 1000, // Fails if there are 1000+ jobs in the queue.
// Apply globally.
// Apply to a single operation.
jobs.With(config).Add(data, "queue")
// Apply single option to a single operation.
jobs.Timeout(time.Second).Get("queue", "queue2")
jobs.MaxLen(1000).RetryAfter(time.Minute).Add(data, "queue")
jobs.TTL(24 * time.Hour).Add(data, "queue")
Disque is licensed under the MIT License.