This is a dotnet core 2 project. You can use Visual Studio or VS Code.
This is a default project but I have added a file wilks.cs
In my sport of powerlifting, to judge how strong you are relative to people with different body weight or gender we run it through a formula called the Wilks Coefficient. It allows us to see relative strength.
I would like you to create a simple page using ASP MVC to allow users to
- Enter a total weight lifted i.e. 400 (meaning 400 kg)
- Enter a bodyweight
- Choose male or female
- Run the bodyweight and gender through the CalculateWilks method
- Multiply the coefficient from #4 with the total weight in #1
- display the result
Note that I have intentionally introduced a few minor errors.
Please fork this project and once you're done send me the link to the repo in your account. Please don't submit a PR
Some websites with background:
Wilks Coefficient
Online Wilks calculator