This is a utility for terminals, inputs and generating code.
- go 1.21.5
Go never changes
Created sugar syntax to allow others and myself to create projects like Switchterm
This is a walkthrough video on explaining how to use this project.
the following is how you use it and there is an example file in the example folder.
// Parse command line input for a question
answer := input.InputScanDirections("what is your name?")
fmt.Println(answer, " nice name")
// show a list of selection and chosen one is stored
var colorsslice = []string{"red", "green", "blue", "yellow"}
//remember you can set the number from 1 to whatever you want. 1 is the number of columns
//to add colors update the colors/colors.go file and use
coloranswer := input.MenuInstuctions(colorsslice, 1, "purple", "purple", "which color do you prefer to use?")
fmt.Println(coloranswer, " is the right answer")
//what can you do with all this? Plenty!
//how about lets make a folder file from the answers
if err := filefolder.Makefolder(answer); err != nil {
text.Checklogger(err, "trying to create folder")
file, err := filefolder.Makefile(answer + "/" + coloranswer + ".txt")
text.Checklogger(err, "trying to add text to file")
//you wanna update text in it? Sure we can do that.
//we need some text first.
var sometext = `This is some text but lets add a template map {{.name}}`
//create a map
mb := make(map[string]string)
mb["name"] = answer
//now lets do some generating
if err := gen.Writetemplate(sometext, file, mb); err != nil {
text.Checklogger(err, "trying to create folder")
//now lets try to update the text "template map" in the file to "template cat".
text.UpdateText(answer+"/"+coloranswer+".txt", "template map", "template map", "template cat")
//now lets spit out whats in the file using bach in go.
if err := bash.ShellBash("cat ./" + answer + "/" + coloranswer + ".txt"); err != nil {
text.Checklogger(err, "trying to do bash in go")
//start training the model! specify the model name and the filename
chat.CheckIfSpanLimitsEqualText("server", "server.json")
//use an input to ask a question
ans := input.InputScanDirections("What would you like to do?")
//get data from the model
text, label := chat.GetTextLabelFromGlob(ans)
//start to use that data to run commands!
if slices.Contains(label, "server") {
fmt.Println("Starting the server...")
//how do you train your own model? the following explains how.
//a training file is required and it does have to have pre-processed data
//in a particular format.
"Text": "sentence that contains the text or phrase",
"Spans": [
"Start": 13, //where the word or phrase starts
"End": 28, //where the word or phrase ends
"Label": "server" //name of the mobel
"Answer": "reject" //whether it will be accepted or rejected
technically you can add spans and create more models and
change the format but you will need to update the data structure
right now we are going to use /server.json
The name of the model does matter
//now you have the ability to get user input two different ways and generate files, update text, use bash,
//and train a model and use that data for commands
//the rest is up to you!
- using there is no way to call itself after a key press
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