Package validator implements value validation for struct fields.
The package was a fork of go-validator but was rewritten to:
- Reduce unneccesary memory allocations
- Support Slice/Array, Map, Interface,
- Simplify source code.
go get -u
package main
import (
type User struct {
Name string `valid:"notempty"`
Age int `valid:"min=13"`
Addresses []*Address `valid:"min=1,max=2"`
type Address struct {
Line1 string
Line2 string
PostCode int `valid:"min=1"`
Country string `valid:"notempty,max=2"`
func (a *Address) Validate() error {
if a.Line1 == "" && a.Line2 == "" {
return errors.New("Either address Line1 or Line2 must be set")
return nil
func main() {
u := &User{
Addresses: []*Address{
Line1: "Somewhere",
PostCode: 1000,
Country: "AU",
PostCode: -1,
Country: "US",
Line2: "Here",
PostCode: 1,
Country: "USA",
v := validator.Default()
// Output:
// Name must not be empty,
// Age must not be less than 13 (was 0),
// Addresses must have length not greater than 2 (was 3),
// Either address Line1 or Line2 must be set,
// PostCode must not be less than 1 (was -1),
// Country must have length not greater than 2 (was 3)