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var (
	// CreateModePerm (rwx for user,group,other) is used by all functions in this package that create file-system directories or files, namely: `EnsureDir`, `WriteBinaryFile`, `WriteTextFile`.
	CreateModePerm = os.ModePerm

	// Del aliases `os.RemoveAll` — merely a handy short-hand during rapid iteration in non-critical code-paths that already do import `ufs` to not have to repeatedly pull in and out the extra `os` import.
	Del = os.RemoveAll

	// ReadDirFunc is used by `ModificationsWatcher` and all `ufs.Walk*` funcs.
	ReadDirFunc = ioutil.ReadDir

	// WalkIgnoreReadDirErrs, if `true`, indicates to all `ufs.Walk*` funcs to ignore-not-return the `error` returned by the `ReadDirFunc`.
	WalkIgnoreReadDirErrs bool

func AllFilePathsIn

func AllFilePathsIn(dirPath string, ignoreSubPath string, fileName ustr.Pat) (allFilePaths []string)

AllFilePathsIn collects the full paths of all files directly or indirectly contained under dirPath.

func ClearDir

func ClearDir(dirPath string, keepNames ...string) (err error)

ClearDir removes everything inside dirPath, but not dirPath itself and also excepting items inside dirPath (but not inside sub-directories) with one of the specified keepNames.

func CopyAllFilesAndSubDirs

func CopyAllFilesAndSubDirs(srcDirPath, dstDirPath string, skipFileSuffix string, skipDirNames ...string) (err error)

CopyAllFilesAndSubDirs copies all files and directories inside srcDirPath into dstDirPath. All sub-directories whose os.FileInfo.Name is contained in skipDirNames (if supplied) are skipped, and so are files with names ending in skipFileSuffix (if supplied).

func CopyFile

func CopyFile(srcFilePath, dstFilePath string) (err error)

CopyFile attempts an io.Copy from srcFilePath to dstFilePath.

func Dir

func Dir(dirPath string) (contents []os.FileInfo, err error)

Dir is like ioutil.ReadDir without the sorting.

func DoesDirHaveFilesWithSuffix

func DoesDirHaveFilesWithSuffix(dirPath string, suff string) (has bool)

DoesDirHaveFilesWithSuffix returns whether there is any file with a name suffixed by suff in dirPath.

func EnsureDir

func EnsureDir(dirPath string) (err error)

EnsureDir attempts to create the directory dirPath if it does not yet exist. Since the introduction of os.MkdirAll, it is equivalent to that with CreateModePerm.

func IsAnyFileInDirNewerThanTheOldestOf

func IsAnyFileInDirNewerThanTheOldestOf(dirPath string, filePaths ...string) (isAnyNewer bool)

IsAnyFileInDirNewerThanTheOldestOf returns whether any file directly or indirectly contained in dirPath is newer than the oldest of the specified filePaths.

func IsDir

func IsDir(fsPath string) bool

IsDir returns whether a directory (not a file) exists at the specified fsPath.

func IsFile

func IsFile(fsPath string) bool

IsFile returns whether a file (not a directory) exists at the specified fsPath.

func IsNewerThanTime

func IsNewerThanTime(filePath string, unixNanoTime int64) (newer bool, err error)

IsNewerThanTime returns whether the specified filePath was last modified later than the specified unixNanoTime.

func Locate

func Locate(curPath string, fileName string) (filePath string)

Locate finds the filePath with the given fileName that is nearest to curPath.

func ModificationsWatcher

func ModificationsWatcher(restrictFilesToSuffix string, dirOk func([]string, []string, string, string) bool, postponeAnyModsLaterThanThisAgo time.Duration, onModTime func(map[string]os.FileInfo, int64, bool)) func([]string, []string) int

ModificationsWatcher returns a func that mustn't be called concurrently without manual protection.

func ReadTextFile

func ReadTextFile(filePath string) (string, error)

ReadTextFile is a string-typed convenience short-hand for ioutil.ReadFile.

func ReadTextFileOr

func ReadTextFileOr(filePath string, fallback string) string

ReadTextFileOr calls ReadTextFile(filePath) but returns fallback on error.

func ReadTextFileOrPanic

func ReadTextFileOrPanic(filePath string) string

ReadTextFileOrPanic calls ReadTextFile(filePath) but panics on error.

func SaveTo

func SaveTo(src io.Reader, dstFilePath string) (err error)

SaveTo attempts an io.Copy from src to dstFilePath.

func Walk

func Walk(dirPath string, callOnDirOnSelf bool, traverse bool, onDir func(string, os.FileInfo) bool, onFile func(string, os.FileInfo) bool) (err error)

func WalkAllFiles

func WalkAllFiles(dirPath string, onFile func(string, os.FileInfo) bool) error

func WalkDirsIn

func WalkDirsIn(dirPath string, onDir func(string, os.FileInfo) bool) error

func WalkFilesIn

func WalkFilesIn(dirPath string, onFile func(string, os.FileInfo) bool) error

func WriteBinaryFile

func WriteBinaryFile(filePath string, contents []byte) error

WriteBinaryFile is a convenience short-hand for ioutil.WriteFile that also EnsureDirs the destination.

func WriteTextFile

func WriteTextFile(filePath, contents string) error

WriteTextFile is a string-typed convenience short-hand for ioutil.WriteFile that also EnsureDirs the destination.


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