This repository contains my configuration files for the Neovim text editor.
It includes:
- The lazy.nvim plugin manager (easy to use, but also very flexible)
- Telescope (a great interface to browsing things like files, commits, man pages, with a fuzzy finder interface)
- Support for language servers (LSP) via nvim-lsp and nvim-cmp based completion, configured through lsp-zero.nvim
- Treesitter support for more nuanced syntax highlighting (you'll want to
install the
command line program as well, which will then take care of installing new parsers for you automatically) - The fugitive plugin for Git
- Some useful editing setup (e.g. Tim Pope's unimpaired and surround plugins, and a handful of ThePrimeagen's keymaps)
- The excellent which-key plugin to remind you what all the useful keymaps are
- A handful of autocommands that make daily life that little bit smoother
If you find yourself wondering how something works, check the message of the
commit that added it (e.g. with git log -S
). I like to leave "future me"
notes on why things are the way they are, so my commit history often contains
links to blog posts, explainer videos, etc.
To get it running, I essentially do this:
$ mkdir ~/Code
$ git clone Code/nvim-config
$ ln -s ~/Code/nvim-config .config/nvim
To install the tree-sitter
command line program you can either install it
from Cargo (if you have Rust configured):
$ cargo install tree-sitter-cli
…or from NPM if you prefer Node:
$ npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
Plugins are installed with lazy.nvim, which comes with a UI for reviewing and installing plugin updates. To use it, type:
You'll then be able to check for updates with C
, install and sync changes
with S
, etc. Use ?
to show/hide the quick help, :help lazy.nvim
for the
full details.
Language servers are installed and configured with Mason (the project formerly known as nvim-lsp-installer). It too has a nice UI for managing installed servers:
It can also install formatting tools. See :help mason.nvim