🏘️ I live and work remotely from Lyon, France 🦁🇫🇷
⚕️ I'm now working at @Kozea to help pharmacists to take care of us!
- We use React, Redux, Next ...and soon Vue 💟
📱 Previously, I was working as @genygilles on Genymotion SaaS
- It is built with ❤️ ...and a lot of time ⌚
- It uses Vue, Vuetify, VueX and Cypress
👨🦳 I used to work on Geo-log 4
- It was built with AngularJS, Bootstrap, Karma and Protractor
🌱 I’m currently learning to be a father 👶, and back-end 🔙
👉 Check out my pure HTML/CSS resume!
⚡ Fun fact: I am an engineer... in Chemistry! 👨🔬
✌️ Fun fact 2: Yes, I do love emojis 😬, my favorite one is 🥺
☘️ Fun fact 3: 3 jobs, 2 with @gentooboontoo 🤝
Take care 😗