A static website built in Jekyll and Bootstrap for PyTorch, and its tutorials and documentation.
Install the following packages before attempting to setup the project:
On OSX, you can use:
brew install rbenv ruby-build nvm
#### You only need to run these commands if you are missing the needed Ruby version.
rbenv install `cat .ruby-version`
gem install bundler -v 1.16.3
rbenv rehash
bundle install
rbenv rehash
nvm install
nvm use
brew install yarn --ignore-dependencies
yarn install
To run the website locally for development:
make serve
Then navigate to localhost:4000.
Note the serve
task is contained in a Makefile
in the root directory. We are using make
as an alternative to the standard jekyll serve
as we want to run yarn
, which is not included in Jekyll by default.
To build the static website from source:
make build
This will build the static site at ./_site
. This directory is not tracked in git.
The website is hosted on Github Pages at https://pytorch.org.
To deploy changes, merge your latest code into the sites
branch. A build will be automatically built and committed to the master
branch via a CircleCI job.
To view the status of the build visit [https://circleci.com/gh/pytorch/pytorch.github.io] (https://circleci.com/gh/pytorch/pytorch.github.io).