Slab2.0 is a three-dimensional compilation of global subduction geometries, separated into regional models for each major subduction zone.
This package (and it's notebooks) depend on:
- numpy, the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
- matplotlib, a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures. <a href="
- scipy, a Python library which provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines such as routines for numerical integration and optimization. <a href="
- neicmap, a Python library for doing various spatial calculations (distance, angle, etc.)
- neicio, a Python library for reading/writing various spatial data formats (GMT grids, etc.)
- libcomcat, a Python library for retrieving earthquake data from the ANSS ComCat system
The best way to install numpy,matplotlib,and scipy is to use one of the Python distributions described here:
Anaconda and Enthought distributions have been successfully tested with smtools.
Most of those distributions should include pip, a command line tool for installing and managing Python packages. You will use pip to install the other dependencies and smtools itself.
You may need to open a new terminal window to ensure that the newly installed versions of python and pip are in your path.
To install neicmap:
pip install git+git://
To install neicio:
pip install git+git://
To install libcomcat:
pip install git+git://
To install slab2:
pip install git+git://
To uninstall:
pip uninstall slab2
To update:
pip install -U git+git://
A notebook exploring some of the functionality of geostatsmodels is included in this repository.
More of these will follow.