Editor: Haiko Lietz, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Version Date: 14 September 2020
Description: compsoc
– Notebooks for Computational Sociology is a web-based toolkit that tries to lower the hurdles of using digital behavioral data and computational methods for social scientists. Behavioral data is transactional in nature which makes it a prime source for studies of social and cultural structures and dynamics. Provided tools aim at fostering mechanistic understanding of observed behaviors and patterns. Currently, the kit is restricted to the Python programming language. Start it by clicking on the "launch binder" button.
License and citation: CC BY: Distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon compsoc
, even commercially, as long as you credit us for the original creation. You can cite this toolkit as follows:
Lietz, Haiko (ed.) (2020). compsoc – Notebooks for Computational Sociology. GESIS. url:github.com/gesiscss/compsoc