This repository is part of my project, is just an application to give recommendations of movies, books, tv-shows and music.
These designs were maded in figma
Main page:
- ReactJS
- Storybook
- styled-components
- axios
You also need nodeJS, this project was made on version 16 of node.
Clone the repository
clon de git
Install dependencies
npm install
Run project
npm start
This is the frontend part of a aplication, the backend (nodeJS/express) could be find in this link.
This application will receive the data from the api, the api to get the data needs a accessToken, when you generate the accessToken (login in backend) you need to copy and paste it in -> here <-
I know sounds weird, but this project will updating.
You can look for the storyboks with the command:
npm run storybook
This application is not finished yet, here some points to do:
- Storage the access token.
- Finish the User page.
- Login form.
- SignUp form.
- Errors administration.
- Publish a new post on the app.
- Improve the axios tool in the project.
- So on...