Forensic Y-SNP analysis beyond SNaPshot: High-resolution Y-chromosomal haplogrouping from low quality and quantity DNA using Ion AmpliSeq and targeted massively parallel sequencing
Arwin Ralf, Mannis van Oven, Diego Montiel González, Sharon Wooten, Robert Lagace, Peter de Knijff, and Manfred Kayser
Operating system: Linux only. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04LTS, but should also work on newer version of Ubuntu. It should be easy to made it work on other Linux distributions.
Python, wget
Internet connection during installation (for downloading and extracting hg19 reference genome).
Data storage: For installation we recommend a storage capacity of > 10 GB.
Install dependencies, you can skip this step if these packages are already installed on your system
apt-get install python3.6 apt-get install mawk apt-get install p7zip-full apt-get install bwa
-SAMtools We recommend the newests versions of SAMtools (e.g. > 1.4.1)
1. wget samtools-1.4.1.tar.bz2 -O samtools.tar.bz2 2. tar -xjvf samtools.tar.bz2 3. cd samtools-1.4.1/ 4. ./configure 5. make 6. make install
python -bam file.bam -pos data/positions.txt -out out -r 1 -q 20 -b 95
python -input Output_files/ -out output.hg
See complete manual at the website:
Bug report
Please email me at [email protected] when there is a problem getting the software up and running.
A. Ralf, et al., Forensic Y-SNP analysis beyond SNaPshot: High-resolution Y-chromosomal haplogrouping from low quality and quantity DNA using Ion AmpliSeq and targeted massively parallel sequencing (2019).