A drag-n-drop based GUI for designing neural networks.
The blocks represent the layers of the network, or operations on tensors.
Once the network is designed you can download auto-generated code that implements that network in pytorch or tensorflow.
The code we wrote can be found in front/src/ as well as front/build/tf_code_generator.py front/build/pytorch_code_generator front/build/index.html
the rest is auto generated by svelte
The webpage can be found in front/build/index.html
can be found at https://neurula.onrender.com/
This directory always refers to the directory this README is contained in (the root directory of the repository) These steps work in an unix or mac enviroment
In this directory:
If you're not on a Mac: Install npm
$ sudo apt install npm
if some fail to install, do
$ sudo apt-get update
then run again
Install requirements
$ pip install fastapi
$ pip install uvicorn
Now to set up svelte
enter front/
$ cd front/
Install requirements
$ npm install
Build svelte app
$ npm run build
In this directory:
$ uvicorn api:app --reload
Once you're done
Ctrl-C to kill process
Rebuild svelte app
$ cd front
$ npm run build
You may have to clear your browser cache
For chrome
click three dots on right
select more tools
select Clear Browsing Data
click clear data