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I wrote some Python scripts to manipulate my Enpass database, but I wanted to do more. I wanted a portable binary that can be used to read and parse my Enpass data. There is already an amazing project here, but I wanted to make the CLI a little more intuitive and add some features to it. I borrowed the logic from hazcod's project and used Cobra to build the CLI.


  • golang 1.22+
  • darwin or linux OS


  • Clone the repository and from within the repository directory
  • Type make build. This will create a bin directory and install the binary there. It will also create a tarball which will eventually be used for Homebrew formulae.
  • Copy <repo_root>/enpass.yml.SAMPLE to ~/.enpass.yml

Installation (Homebrew)

  • brew tap gdanko/homebrew
  • brew install gdanko/homebrew/enpass


  • List all entries from the database
  • List all entries from the database and show the passwords
  • Display the password for a given item to STDOUT
  • Copy the password for a given item to the clipboard
  • Output in YAML, list, or table format
  • Show trashed items
  • Try to auto-detect the location of the Enpass vault
  • Specify columns to sort by for list and show operations
  • Filter by multiple logins (subtitles), titles, categories, or uuids using wildcards
  • Colorize output for YAML, list, and default views
  • Colors are defined centrally so all colorized outputs use the same color scheme
  • Basic options can be set in ~/.enpass.yml, please see enpass.yml.SAMPLE

The ~/.enpass.yml file

This file currently supports the following options

  • vault_path - The absolute path to your vault file
  • colors - Configure colors for output
    • alias_color
    • anchor_color
    • bool_color
    • key_color
    • null_color
    • number_color
    • string_color
  • output_style - One of list, table, or yaml
  • default_labels - A YAML array of labels, you will need to parse your database file to find all available values.
  • orderby - A YAML array of fields to sort the output by.


$ enpass
enpass is a command line interface for the Enpass password manager

  enpass [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  copy        Copy the password of a vault entry to the clipboard
  help        Help about any command
  list        List vault entries without displaying the password
  pass        Print the password of a vault entry to STDOUT
  show        List vault entries, displaying the password
  version     Print the current enpass version

  -c, --category stringArray   Filter based on record category. Wildcards (%) are allowed. Can be used multiple times.
  -h, --help                   help for enpass
  -k, --keyfile string         Path to your Enpass vault keyfile.
  -y, --label stringArray      Filter based on record field label. Can be used multiple times
      --log string             The log level, one of: debug, error, fatal, info, panic, trace, warn (default "info")
  -l, --login stringArray      Filter based on record login. Wildcards (%) are allowed. Can be used multiple times.
      --nocolor                Disable colorized output and logging.
  -n, --non-interactive        Disable prompts and fail instead.
  -p, --pin                    Enable PIN.
      --sensitive              Force category and title searches to be case-sensitive.
  -t, --title stringArray      Filter based on record title. Wildcards (%) are allowed. Can be used multiple times.
      --type string            The type of your card. (password, ...) (default "password")
  -u, --uuid stringArray       Filter based on record uuid. Can be used multiple times.
  -v, --vault string           Path to your Enpass vault.

Use "enpass [command] --help" for more information about a command.

List Usage

$ enpass list --help
List vault entries without displaying the password

  enpass list [flags]

  -h, --help                  help for list
      --list                  Output the data as list, similar to SQLite line mode.
  -o, --orderby stringArray   Specify fields to sort by. Can be used multiple times. Valid: card_type, category, created, label, last_used, subtitle, title, updated
      --table                 Output the data as a table.
      --trashed               Show trashed items.
      --yaml                  Output the data as YAML.

Global Flags:
  -c, --category stringArray   Filter based on record category. Wildcards (%) are allowed. Can be used multiple times.
  -k, --keyfile string         Path to your Enpass vault keyfile.
  -y, --label stringArray      Filter based on record field label. Can be used multiple times
      --log string             The log level, one of: debug, error, fatal, info, panic, trace, warn (default "info")
  -l, --login stringArray      Filter based on record login. Wildcards (%) are allowed. Can be used multiple times.
      --nocolor                Disable colorized output and logging.
  -n, --non-interactive        Disable prompts and fail instead.
  -p, --pin                    Enable PIN.
      --sensitive              Force category and title searches to be case-sensitive.
  -t, --title stringArray      Filter based on record title. Wildcards (%) are allowed. Can be used multiple times.
      --type string            The type of your card. (password, ...) (default "password")
  -u, --uuid stringArray       Filter based on record uuid. Can be used multiple times.
  -v, --vault string           Path to your Enpass vault.


List the Discord record and output to YAML format

$ enpass list --title Discord --yaml
Enter vault password:
- uuid: xxxxxxx
  created: 1710107066
  card_type: password
  title: Discord
  category: login
  label: Password
  last_used: 1730565183
  sensitive: true
  icon: "{\"fav\":\"\",\"image\":{\"file\":\"misc/login\"},\"type\":1,\"uuid\":\"\"}"

Copy the Foo record's password to the clipboard

$ enpass copy --title Foo
Enter vault password:
The password for "Foo" was copied to the clipboard

List all records with the login and output in to table format

enpass list --login --table
Enter vault password:
title                 login                 category
--------------------- --------------------- --------
Discord           login
Playstation       login
Xbox              login
Twitch            login

List all records containing GitHub, forcing case-sensitivity, and output to a table format

enpass list --title %GitHub% --sensitive --table
Enter vault password:
title                       login                        category
--------------------------- ---------------------------- --------
GitHub                       login
GitHub                       computer
Work GitHub (gdanko-work) computer


You need to get the value of the hex-encoded key

  • In openEncryptedDatabase() you need to add a line to print the key to the console, fmt.Println(hex.EncodeToString(dbKey)[:masterKeyLength])
  • Once you have the key, do the following
    • Open the database file using DB Browser for SQLite
    • You will see a SQLCipher encryption dialog
      • Check SQLCipher3 Defaults
      • In the Password field, put x'<encoded_hext_string>'
      • Click OK
  • You can now query the database to look

To Do

  • Allow the user to specify fields to display
  • Make sure all the other stuff works


An enpass CLI







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