Synchronize all files in your specified local directory to the CDN (currently only supports qiniu)
$ npm install -g cdn-upload
Usage: cdn-upload <config path> [env]
Upload file to cdn. the default configuration path for the configuration file is config/cdn_upload.json
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --sync Make sure the local uploaded files is the same as the cdn files
-h, --help output usage information
$ cdn-upload config/cdn_upload.json beta
npm run test // run this command before ensure .env was configured and available
"default": {
"cachedFile": "../build/assets_cache.json",
"localDirectory": "../public",
"remoteDirectory": "test/public",
"bucket": "your cdn bucket",
"cdn": "qiniu",
"envFile": ".env",
"ignore": ['a.html', 'b/**/**'], // glob ignore sytax that a.html is localdirectory/a.html and b/**/** will localdirectory/b/**/**
"concurrency": 8 // Number of concurrent processes (default: cpu count)
"beta": {
"remoteDirectory": "test/beta/public",
"concurrency": 4
"release": {
"remoteDirectory": "test/release/public",
"concurrency": 8
"production": {
"remoteDirectory": "test/production/public",
"concurrency": 16
QINIU_ACCESS_KEY="qiniu access key"
QINIU_SECRET_KEY="qiniu secret key"
You should add .env and assets_cache.json files in .gitignore.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at