This project is still under development and there are no official releases. To install it, you have to clone the repository, compile (setup Rust first if you haven't) and install locally.
cargo install --path .
❯ sprd --help
sprd 0.1.0
Gajo Petrovic <[email protected]>
Rapid client
-h, --help
Print help information
-r, --root-folder <ROOT_FOLDER>
-V, --version
Print version information
Check if SDP is fully downloaded
Download the specified rapid tag
Download the registry metadata
Download the repository metadata
Download SDP
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Validate by fullname
Download latest Beyond All Reason:
cargo run -- --root-folder ~/projects/spring-dir download byar:test
Update metadata:
cargo run -- --root-folder ~/projects/spring-dir download-registry
cargo run -- --root-folder ~/projects/spring-dir download-repo
Install Rust and then build as normal:
cargo build
To run tests you will need to also have pr-downloader installed - it's used to verify that sprd and pr-downloader output is the same.
If you are on Linux, you can get it as so:
wget\?raw\=true -O pr-downloader
chmod +x pr-downloader
Tests can only be run in single-threaded mode (the rapid filesystem isn't multi-thread safe yet).
cargo test -- --test-threads=1
This project is under construction and not ready for use.
Below you can see my very rough roadmap:
- Add tests for various types of downloads
- Pool downloader autofix files
- Check validity of other metadata files too: save size & gz validity
- Auto-retry
Pool downloader:
- pool downloader tests without internet connectivity (save downloads to files)
- Back to fully async IO (file): use tokio::fs, figure out what was causing the partial write issue despite write_all
- Refactor commands out of, they're only sensible to have for the binary. We don't want library authors to use the command API
- Option to not commit metadata downloads until pool finishes
- don't override versions.gz until pool has been fully downloaded. otherwise users who've updated their versions.gz won't be able to play with
until pool has been updated
- don't override versions.gz until pool has been fully downloaded. otherwise users who've updated their versions.gz won't be able to play with
- Option to download in parallel (?)
- ability to async (parallel) query all repos of interest on launcher (lobby?) start (with some sensible caching?)
- Make it possible to specify the server URLs
is dual licensed under either:
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
- Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or at your option.
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.