PyEOM is a pure Python library implementing Rowe's Equations-of-Motions (EOM) and the Extended Random Phase Approximation (ERPA) ab-initio quantum chemistry methods.
To use PyEOM, you need only provide the following as input, in the form of NumPy arrays:
- one- and two- particle molecular integrals
- one- and two- particle reduced density matrices
PyEOM is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).
See for more information.
The following programs/libraries are required to run PyEOM:
- Python (≥3.6)
- NumPy (≥1.13)
- SciPy (≥1.0)
- Pytest (optional: to run tests)
- Pip (optional: to install PyEOM)
The following programs/libraries are required to build the PyEOM documentation:
- Sphinx (≥ 3.5)
- Read the Docs Sphinx Theme
Make sure compatible versions of NumPy and SciPy are installed.
Run the following in your shell to download PyEOM via git
git clone && cd pyeom
Then, run the following to install PyEOM via pip
pip install -e .
Make sure a compatible version of Sphinx is installed.
Run the following in your shell to install the Read the Docs Sphinx Theme via pip
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
Then, after installing PyEOM, run the following to build the HTML documentation:
cd docs && make html
To illustrate how to use PyEOM, we provide a set of Jupyter notebooks under the docs/notebooks folder. You can access the notebooks folder here.