publish @
- To develop and use this code, you will need:
- a Riot Games Developer account at
- a Riot Games API key
- a mongodb services
- Create and store in tftchamp/.env (user environment in Windows will overwrite)
for Riot API key. ATLAS_URI
for mongodb connect uri. DB_NAME
default db.
- DEV env
- Python >=
- Packages included in
file - (Anaconda for easy installation)
For local setup, I recommend to use Miniconda, a minimal version of the popular Anaconda distribution that contains only the package manager conda
and Python. Follow the installation instructions on the Miniconda Homepage.
After installation of Anaconda/Miniconda, run the following command(s) from the project directory:
Conda virtual environment:
conda create --name myenv python=3.10
conda activate myenv
conda install --file requirements.txt -c conda-forge
As Conda has limited package support for python 3.10 activate your virtual environment then install the dependencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
Activate and install the correct python3 virtual environment before proceeding.
jupyter notebook
Team Fight Tactics highest ELO challengers games scrape by Using API.
8 players FFA in one game.
Target Label: placement 1 is best. Lower is better. Top 4 placement is a Win. Alternative prediction is to group Top 4 placement as Binary Win, bottom 4 as Binary Lost.
Only team traits and augments/items chosen included in datasets. Stats like game_length, players_eliminated are excluded. This is to prevent the model from learning obvious predictor.
- Different baseline between games(match_id). Different games has different baseline at different ELO. This may affect the true value of Global placement.
- Categorical values.
## Example
{'match_id': 'EUW1_5944909932', #Match id.
'placement': 2, # target_label.
# max 3 augments player can choose at stage 2-2, 3-2, 4-2.
'augment0': 'TFT6_Augment_TrueTwos',
'augment1': 'TFT6_Augment_CyberneticImplants2',
'augment2': 'TFT6_Augment_SecondWind2',
# traits
'Set7_Assassin': 1,
'Set7_Bruiser': 1,
'Set7_Cavalier': 2,
'Set7_Dragonmancer': 0,
'Set7_Guild': 3,
'Set7_Legend': 0,
'Set7_Mirage': 0,
'Set7_Ragewing': 1,
'Set7_Swiftshot': 1,
'Set7_Tempest': 1,
'Set7_Warrior': 1,
# units/items
'TFT7_Sejuani': 2,
'TFT7_Qiyana': 2,
'TFT7_Shen': 2,
'TFT7_Shen_item0': 'TFT_Item_ChainVest',
'TFT7_Shen_item1': 'TFT_Item_Shroud',
'TFT7_Twitch': 2,
'TFT7_Twitch_item0': 'TFT_Item_MadredsBloodrazor',
'TFT7_Hecarim': 2,
'TFT7_Talon': 2,
'TFT7_Talon_item0': 'TFT_Item_RedBuff',
'TFT7_Talon_item1': 'TFT_Item_InfinityEdge',
'TFT7_Talon_item2': 'TFT7_Item_CavalierEmblemItem',
'TFT7_Xayah': 2,
'TFT7_Xayah_item0': 'TFT_Item_GuardianAngel',
'TFT7_Xayah_item1': 'TFT_Item_InfinityEdge',
'TFT7_Xayah_item2': 'TFT_Item_GuinsoosRageblade',
'TFT7_Ornn': 2,
'TFT7_Ornn_item0': 'TFT_Item_GiantsBelt',
'TFT7_Ornn_item1': 'TFT_Item_Shroud',
'TFT7_Yasuo': 1,
'TFT7_Yasuo_item0': 'TFT_Item_RapidFireCannon',
'TFT7_Yasuo_item1': 'TFT_Item_MadredsBloodrazor',
'TFT7_Yasuo_item2': 'TFT_Item_TitansResolve'
Name Data Type Description
data_version string Match data version.
match_id string Match id.
participants List[string] A list of participant PUUIDs.
Name Data Type Description
game_datetime long Unix timestamp.
game_length float Game length in seconds.
game_variation string Game variation key. Game variations documented in TFT static data.
game_version string Game client version.
participants List[ParticipantDto]
queue_id int Please refer to the League of Legends documentation.
tft_set_number int Teamfight Tactics set number.
Name Data Type Description
companion CompanionDto Participant's companion.
gold_left int Gold left after participant was eliminated.
last_round int The round the participant was eliminated in. Note: If the player was eliminated in stage 2-1 their last_round would be 5.
level int Participant Little Legend level. Note: This is not the number of active units.
placement int Participant placement upon elimination.
players_eliminated int Number of players the participant eliminated.
puuid string
time_eliminated float The number of seconds before the participant was eliminated.
total_damage_to_players int Damage the participant dealt to other players.
traits List[TraitDto] A complete list of traits for the participant's active units.
units List[UnitDto] A list of active units for the participant.
Name Data Type Description
name string Trait name.
num_units int Number of units with this trait.
style int Current style for this trait. (0 = No style, 1 = Bronze, 2 = Silver, 3 = Gold, 4 = Chromatic)
tier_current int Current active tier for the trait.
tier_total int Total tiers for the trait.
Name Data Type Description
items List[int] A list of the unit's items. Please refer to the Teamfight Tactics documentation for item ids.
character_id string This field was introduced in patch 9.22 with data_version 2.
chosen string If a unit is chosen as part of the Fates set mechanic, the chosen trait will be indicated by this field. Otherwise this field is excluded from the response.
name string Unit name. This field is often left blank.
rarity int Unit rarity. This doesn't equate to the unit cost.
tier int Unit tier.
Set your Atlas URI connection string as a parameter in .env
. Replace and with your credentials.
Create and store in tftchamp/backend/mongodb/.env
Or local hosting using docker-compose file @ backend/mongodb/docker-compose.yml
etc. create .env ./tftchamp/backend/mongodb/
to start the service
cd backend/mongodb
docker-compose up -d
We'll use the python-dotenv package to load environment variables ATLAS_URI and DB_NAME from the .env file. Then, we'll use the pymongo package to connect to the Atlas cluster when the application starts. We'll add another event handler to close the connection when the application stops.
Create and store in ./tftchamp/backend/app/.env .env
uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000
# python3 -m uvicorn main:app --reload
When the application starts, navigate to http://localhost:8000/docs
and try out the match
Create and store in ./tftchamp/backend/pipeline/.env .env
- scrape
- data_loading
- team_composition
4. data_analysis.ipynb -
- Prediction service TODO
cd backend/pipeline
python3 -c configs/challengers.json --no-load_new
python3 -c configs/challenger_oce.json --no-load_new
python3 -c configs/grandmasters.json --no-load_new
python3 -c configs/challengers_loading.json
python3 -c configs/grandmasters.json
python3 -c configs/challengers_loading.json
python3 -c configs/grandmasters.json
python3 -c configs/config_tft.json
windows scripts
linux/macOS scripts
# or for grandmaster and above league only
bash scripts/ [-h] [-nri] [-mgc] [-a] -- Team Fight Tactic pipeline helper
-h show this help text
-n Scraping for new summoners (default=0)
-r Scraping for new matches (default=1)
-i Transforming and infering matches (default=0)
-m run above for master league (default=0)
-g run above for grandmaster league (default=0)
-c run above for challenger league (default=1)
-a run all above (default=0)
Configure the config files under backend/pipeline/configs folder.
Config files are in .json
format. Example of such config is shown below:
"name": "Classification", // session name
"model": {
"type": "Model", // model name
"args": { // args to be pass to class init
"pipeline": ["scaler", "PLS", "pf", "SVC"], // pipeline of methods
"unions": { // unions of methods included in pipeline
"tuned_parameters":[{ // hyperparameters to be tuned with search method
"SVC__kernel": ["rbf"],
"SVC__gamma": [1e-5, 1e-6, 1],
"SVC__C": [1, 100, 1000],
"PLS__n_components": [1,2,3]
"optimizer": "OptimizerClassification", // name of optimizer
"type": "GridSearchCV", // method used to search through parameters
"args": { // args to be pass to class init
"refit": false,
"n_jobs": -1,
"verbose": 2,
"error_score": 0
"cross_validation": {
"type": "RepeatedStratifiedKFold", // type of cross-validation used
"args": { // args to be pass to class init
"n_splits": 5,
"n_repeats": 10,
"random_state": 1
"data_loader": {
"type": "Classification", // name of dataloader class
"args":{ // args to be pass to class init
"data_path": "../data/noshow.db", // path to data
"shuffle": true, // if data shuffled before optimization
"test_split": 0.2, // use split method for model testing
"stratify": true, // if data stratified before optimization
"random_state":1 // random state for repeated output
"label_name": "no_show", // specify the label column name
"score": "max recall", // mode(max min) and metrics used for scoring -
"train_model": true, // if model is training
"test_model": true, // if model is tested after training
"debug": false, // debug model architecture
"save_dir": "saved/", // directory of saved reports, models and configs
"model_dir": "saved/Classification/0115_140140" // directory to load saved model. Leave empty "" to auto load current training model.
For scrape->data_loading->team_composition challengers.json
is used.
"name": "challengers", // config folder to creat under `save_dir`
"load_new": true, // scrape, whether to fetch new summoners
"servers": ["na1", "euw1", "kr"], // regions to `scrape`, `load`, `process` ['euw1', 'na1', 'kr', 'oc1']
"league": "challengers", // league to `scrape`, `load`, `process` 'challengers', 'grandmasters'
"max_count": 30, // max matches per `scrape`
"latest_release": "12.14.455.6722", // game version for cutoff '12.12.450.4196' '12.13.453.3037' Version 12.12.448.6653 12.11.446.9344 Version 12.13.453.3037
"ranked_id": 1100, // `1090` normal game `1100` ranked game
"patch": "2022-07-27", // patches released date(2022, 7, 1) date(2022, 7, 16)
"debug": false, // not used
"save_dir": "saved/" // `process stage`: output to
To run with custom arg --no-load_new:
cd backend/pipeline
python3 -c configs/challengers.json --no-load_new
DEV test
npm install # once only
npm start
Production LIVE
docker-compose up
Riot API discord
Mandu icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Tribal icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Electronic icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Brain icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Code icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Artificial intelligence icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Healthcare and medical icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Games icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Fire icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Unicorn icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
2023-05-16 v12.19