Nextify template is a prebuilt template for building documentation sites using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Fumadocs.
Every feature in the nextify template comes from fumadocs itself.
- In-built dark and light mode
- Support the Blog, tag page and Page
- In-built Full-text Search functionality
- MDX support
- Syntax Highlighting
- Inbuilt components support
- Support the Next.js App Router and React server Component
- Tailwind CSS support
- I18n support
- Table of Contents
- Remote Source
- RTL Layout
First step is to clone the Nextify template from github using git.
git clone
cd nextify
Next install the node package.
pnpm install
# or
npm install
Lastly run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Frontmatter for creating new documentation file
title: Architecture of Nextify
description: Architecture of Nextify template
Ut ullamco et aliqua `fugiat quis` Lorem aliquip in.
Frontmatter for creating new Blog post
title: 10 Things You Most Likely Didn't Know About Health.
description: Culpa laboris aliquip ea consectetur mollit ea ipsum sint qui culpa laboris
dolor adipisicing proident. Et officia consequat do nulla tempor cupidatat
date: 2022-11-12T08:05:53.939Z
draft: false
- Health
- Likely
- Didn't Know
- Health
image: /images/vegetables.jpg
author: Curtis Lopez
Cupidatat voluptate deserunt non ea exercitation sit consequat ullamco ex nostrud elit magna.
Frontmatter for creating new page
title: About us
description: About the author
date: 2022-11-08T08:55:59.004Z
- Blog
- About
author: Rajdeep Singh
Cupidatat voluptate deserunt non ea exercitation sit consequat.
To learn more about Next.js and Fumadocs, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
- Fumadocs - learn about Fumadocs