This is a heavily modified version of ptazithos/wkeys.
Note this is designed for my own use; feel free to fork but I likely won't maintain or add features outside of my own needs.
N-grams are sourced from here, derived from the Google Books Ngram Corpus on books published in 2010-2019.
# For autocorrect.
sudo zypper in enchant-devel
# Pointer control uses `uinput` and requires special permissions.
# Add your user to the `input` group:
sudo usermod -a -G input $USER
# Add to `/etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules`,
# which ensures that the `input` group has the correct permissions.
KERNEL=="event*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="input", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="uinput", GROUP="input", MODE="0660"
# Reload the udev rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
# Also make sure the `uinput` kernel module is loaded:
lsmod | grep uinput
# If there's no output, load the module:
sudo modprobe uinput
# And to persist across reboots:
echo "uinput" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
# If you added your user to the `input` group
# you need to login/logout for the changes to take effect.
sudo reboot
- Written for Wayland
- Virtual split, multi-layer keyboard
- Show/hide the keyboard
- Multiple gestures per key:
- Tap
- Hold-repeat
- 4-direction swipe
- Swipe-hold
- Swipe-release
- Swipe-drag
- Layout configured in YAML
- Special tap actions:
- Execute command
- Mouse/pointer buttons
- Cursor control: tap-and-hold to move the pointer and bring up a mouse control layer.
- Special swipe actions:
- Move text cursor (swipe-drag to move cursor in that direction)
- Select text (swipe-drag to select text)
- Delete text (swipe-drag to delete text)
- NOTE: A problem with the current implementation is that if the selection is empty, one character will still be deleted.
- Activate layer (while swipe is held)
- Fire tapped key with a modifier (e.g. swipe up to send shifted key)
A layout is defined in YAML like so:
# Define the left layout.
# A layout side consists of one or more layers.
# The first layer is the base/default layer.
# A layer consists of one or more rows.
# A row consists of one or more key definitions.
- - - key: KEY_Q
- key: KEY_W
# Another row.
- - key: KEY_E
- key: KEY_R
# Another layer
- - - key: KEY_T
- key: KEY_Y
- - key: KEY_U
- key: KEY_I
# Define the right layout.
# Same structure as the left layout.
right: # ...
There are a few different kinds of key definitions:
- A basic key, with optional swipe actions.
- A pointer key, which controls the cursor/pointer.
- A command key, which executes a command when tapped.
- - - key: KEY_Q
# Basic key.
# Everything except `key` is optional.
# The key is defined using the constants here:
# <>
- key: KEY_W
# Define the key width, relative to
# a single key.
width: 2
# Modifiers to be sent with the key.
mods: [Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Meta]
# Provide a custom label instead of the default.
label: "W"
# Define swipe actions.
# Separate actions can be defined for
# [n]orth, [s]outh, [e]ast, [w]est.
# An alternate basic key.
Key: KEY_Y
# Switch the active layer (by index)
# on the specified side
# while this swipe is held.
Layer: [Right, 1]
# Send the main key with this modifier.
Modified: Shift
# Drag the text cursor in the swipe direction.
w: Arrow
# Note: only one action can be defined for each direction; more are here just to show all possible swipe actions.
# Mouse scroll in the swipe direction.
n: Scroll
# Select text in the swipe direction.
n: Select
# Delete text in the swipe direction.
n: Delete
# Hide the keyboard.
n: HideKeyboard
# Pointer key.
- Pointer
# Command key.
# `args` is optional.
- cmd: notify-send
args: [hello]
label: "!"
When a drag/swipe gesture leaves the keyboard's window GTK reports discontinuous offset values. For example, if you're dragging towards the edge of the keyboard window you may see an x-offset of -100
and then once you leave the window the x-offset suddenly jumps to 600
. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if this is part of how Wayland handles pointers. In any case this means that swipe/drag gestures will be sensible only within the bounds of the keyboard windows.
- Magic keys: basically if you have n magic keys, you have a FIFO buffer of length n, and you define mappings from keys to their magic next key. E.g. pressing
would queue up]
, but if you press[(
then the)
would displace the]
. However if you have two magic keys, they would both be present until a third key is triggered. - Autocorrect
- Auto-rotation