If you are interested in taking ownership of this please reach out to me.
Send logged messages to Loggly using either the HTTP API or Syslog/UDP. Check out Loggly's Ruby logging documentation to learn more.
Can be used in place of Ruby's Logger (http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/logger/rdoc/)
In fact, it (currently) returns an instance of Logger.
require 'logglier'
log = Logglier.new(<INPUT URL>)
log.info("hello from logglier")
RailsApplication::Application.configure do
config.logger = Logglier.new(<INPUT URL>)
loggly = Logglier.new('https://logs-01.loggly.com/inputs/[your-customer-token]/tag/rails', threaded: true, format: :json)
^ Submitted by: https://github.com/cap10morgan
The id is provided by loggly, look at the input's details page To make sure the http client doesn't block too long read_timeout and open_timeout are set to 2 seconds by default. This can be overridden like so:
:read_timeout => <#>,
:open_timeout => <#> )
Creating a new Logglier instance, pointed at a http input, with the
:threaded => true
option will tell Logglier to deliver log messages
for that logger in a separate thread. Each new Logglier instance gets
it's own delivery thread and those threads are joined at exit to ensure
log message delivery.
:threaded => true)
add the ':format => :json' when creating a new Logglier instance. Make sure to use a HTTP input that has JSON enabled. Can also be used with threaded delivery.
:format => :json)
Logglier uses MultiJson to delegate the choice of JSON libraries to you, but I recommend using Yajl, just require the json gem of your choice before logglier.
The facility is optional and defaults to 16 (local0) if none is specified. Facilities are just integers from 0 to 23, see http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3164.html
Logglier.new returns a ruby Logger object, so take a look at:
The Logger's logdev has some special format handling though.
log.warn "test"
Will produce the following log message in Loggly:
"<Date> severity=WARN, test"
log.warn :boom => :box, :bar => :soap
Will produce the following log message in Loggly:
"<Date> severity=WARN, boom=box, bar=soap"
If speed is a concern, then you should pick a fast transport protocol. Here is their speed ranking from fastest to slowest:
- Syslog UDP
- Syslog TCP
- Threaded HTTP
- Threaded HTTPS
- Blocking HTTP
- Blocking HTTPS
UDP uses a simple connectionless transmission model with a minimum of protocol mechanism. There is no guarantee of delivery, ordering, or duplicate protection.
Threaded won't block your app but it can use up more memory and stack space. Blocking is the slowest because your app will wait for the data to be received by Loggly.
HTTPS is slower than HTTP because it requires an extra round trip to setup the secure connection.
To change the default log level on a Logglier
instance, you can use the
along with Ruby's built in Logger
logger = Logglier.new(...)
logger.level = Logger::INFO
Read more about Ruby's built in Logging levels
Pull requests welcome
- Support ActiveSupport Notifications for newer rails
- Alternative https implementations (Typheous, Excon, etc). May be faster?
- EM Integration?