Source code for the 2024 comp robot: TBD
Source code also for the 2024 practice robot: TBD
Install the relevant FRC toolchain for your platform (see Make sure the toolchain
placed in ~/wpilib/2024/roborio
(Linux) or
./gradlew build
This builds code for the roboRIO and tests (if present), but doesn't deploy it to the robot.
./gradlew deploy
This runs a roboRIO build if needed, copies the resulting binary to a roboRIO at, and restarts it.
./gradlew simulateJava
Runs the simulation GUI for testing robot code without the real hardware.
./gradlew spotlessApply
Beautifies your code to make it easier to read. Required for builds/GitHub CLI to pass.
Telemetry values are sent using NT4, with the ability for them to be disabled during competitions to ensure the maximum amount of network bandwitdth. When tuning, they can be viewed in the standard dashboard program like Shuffleboard or opened up in specific viewing programs like AdvantageScope.
The simulation GUI is straightforward but can be read more about here.
Open shuffleboard and select the desired autonomous mode from the dropdown menu. When the indicator next to the menu turns from a red X to a green checkmark, the robot has confirmed the selection.
See this for details on how the robot side works.
- Game description here for Crescendo. Talk about the elements, how you can score points, and the different rank points you can get *
This years robot's unique features include:
- (add bullet points about all of the cool subsystems or features our robot has this year!)
Status | Goal | Additional Description |
Placeholder | Placeholder | Hi! Add your robot goals for this year for easy access and status tracking! |
Mentor(s): Adan Silva Lead: Jonathan Shuman Students: Chris Colon, Jayden Furbur, Eli Miller