Tools for loading Stock Synthesis (SS3) models into FLR. Used in conditioning of Operating Models based on SS3 by considering structural uncertainty in input parameters and assumptions. A grid of SS3 runs can be created and results loaded on objects of various classes, ready for use in FLR.
To install this package, and all its dependencies, start R and enter:
install.packages("ss3om", repos=structure(
c(CRAN="", FLR="")))
or directly from the github repository by first updating to the latest version of r4ss:
Different FLR objects can be loaded from a folder containing the output of an SS3 run.
dir <- system.file("ext-data", "herring", package="ss3om")
To create an FLStock object from a model run, we can call readFLSss3,
stk <- readFLSss3(dir)
and to extract and convert the stock-recruit relationship, you can use
srr <- readFLSRss3(dir)
Copyright (c) 2016-2022 European Union & Iago Mosqueira. Released under the EUPL 1.2.
You are welcome to:
- Submit suggestions and bug-reports at:
- Send a pull request on:
- Maintainer: Iago Mosqueira (WMR) [email protected]