Plugin library for using using taxon specific and taxon reference data with Floralink Core. These contain only descriptive information. For database plugins, see @floralink/databases.
You can add the plugins to your project by using the @floralink/plugins npm package:
$ npm install @floralink/plugins
Then, in your project:
import * as floralink from "@floralink/core";
import { mytaxonspecificplugin } from "@floralink/plugins";
// now floralink can access information on how to operate the data
Name | Description | Data origin | Data source |
germansl | Taxon reference for plants, mosses, algae and lichens in Germany | local | GermanSL v1.5.1, a taxon reference list for occurrence databases in Germany |
Name | Description | Data origin | Data source |
ellenberg | Ellenberg indicator values (1991) | local | GermanSL v1.5.1 |
fukarekhenker | N, F and T status described by Fukarek & Henker (2006) | local | GermanSL v1.5.1 |
rotelistemv (experimental) | Red list classifications for vascular plants in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany | local | GermanSL v1.5.1 |
Name | Data origin | Data source |
werbeo | API | Flora-MV (through WerBeo API) |
You can derive a JSON database for your plugin from a CSV table by using Floralink Generator. Look at the plugins in this library for examples.
Source databases to use with Floralink need to have a taxonomic reference. Floralink uses GermanSL (v1.5.1) and doesn't support other taxonomic reference databases (yet).
Basic file structure of a local database plugin:
| |__database.csv
Example index.js (Ellenberg plugin):
export default {
// plugin reference
pluginType: "taxonspecific",
name: "ellenberg",
version: "1991-1",
taxonReferencePlugin: {
name: "germansl",
version: "1.5.1",
title: "Ökologische Zeigerwerte",
"Das ökologische Verhalten gegenüber einem bestimmten Standortfaktor [...]",
sources: {
// bibliographic information for citation
// keys: primary, secondary, description
primary: {
"Ellenberg, H. (1991): Zeigerwerte der Gefäßpflanzen (ohne Rubus). [...]",
citationShort: "Ellenberg 1991",
// ...
// applicable filters for calculating statistics
filters: {
// the key acts as the id of the filter
"group-s-only": {
title: "nur Samenpflanzen",
filterKey: "group",
filterValue: "S",
onlyMatching: true,
default: true,
// ...
// properties/fields of the data
properties: {
indicatorL: {
// key of property in JSON file on taxon object
dataKey: "indicatorL",
// display title of property
title: "Lichtzahl",
// short title for graphs and summary tables
titleShort: "L",
// description of the property
"Vorkommen in Beziehung zur relativen Beleuchtungsstärke [...]",
// scale of measure, specifies which statistics to calculate
scaleOfMeasure: "ordinal",
// enumeration of the possible value (to force the order)
enum: [...sharedEnum, ...sharedEnumNominal],
// object of possible values
possibleValues: {
1: {
title: "Tiefschattenpflanze",
description: "noch bei weniger als 1 % [...]",
// ...