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Flock: A Low-Cost Streaming Query Engine on FaaS Platforms

CI codecov CLA assistant License: AGPL v3

Flock is a cloud-native streaming query engine that leverages the on-demand elasticity of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms to perform real-time data analytics. Traditional server-centric deployments often suffer from resource under- or over-provisioning, leading to resource wastage or performance degradation. Flock addresses these issues by providing more fine-grained elasticity that can dynamically match the per-query basis with continuous scaling, and its billing methods are more fine-grained with millisecond granularity, making it a low-cost solution for stream processing. Our approach, payload invocation, eliminates the need for external storage services and eliminates the requirement for a query coordinator in the data architecture. Our evaluation shows that Flock significantly outperforms state-of-the-art systems in terms of cost, especially on ARM processors, making it a promising solution for real-time data analytics on FaaS platforms.

The generic lambda function code is built in advance and uploaded to AWS S3.

FaaS Service AWS Lambda GCP Functions Azure Functions Architectures SIMD YSB NEXMark
Flock 🏅🏅🏅🏅 👉 TBD 👉 TBD Arm, x86
      title={Flock: A Low-Cost Streaming Query Engine on FaaS Platforms}, 
      author={Gang Liao and Amol Deshpande and Daniel J. Abadi},

Build From Source Code

You can enable the features simd (to use SIMD instructions) and/or mimalloc or snmalloc (to use either the mimalloc or snmalloc allocator) as features by passing them in as --features:

To build and deploy Flock to AWS Lambda in one step, you can use the following command:

$ ./configure -c -a x86_64
 Compiling and Deploying Benchmarks

Building x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

[1/3] Compiling Flock Lambda Function...
[2/3] Compiling Flock CLI...
[3/3] Deploying Flock Lambda Function...

                Upload function code to S3

Packaging code and uploading to S3...
[OK] Upload Succeed.


If you prefer to use the cargo command to build and deploy Flock, you can use the following commands:

  1. Build Flock for x86_64

    $ cargo +nightly build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --release --features "simd mimalloc"
  2. Deploy Flock binary to AWS S3

    $ cd ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release
    $ ./flock-cli s3 put --path ./flock --key flock_x86_64

Nexmark Benchmark


These are multiple queries over a three entities model representing on online auction system:

  • Person represents a person submitting an item for auction and/or making a bid on an auction.
  • Auction represents an item under auction.
  • Bid represents a bid for an item under auction.


Query Name Summary Flock
q0 Pass Through Measures the monitoring overhead including the source generator.
q1 Currency Conversion Convert each bid value from dollars to euros.
q2 Selection Find bids with specific auction ids and show their bid price.
q3 Local Item Suggestion Who is selling in OR, ID or CA in category 10, and for what auction ids?
q4 Average Price for a Category Select the average of the wining bid prices for all auctions in each category.
q5 Hot Items Which auctions have seen the most bids in the last period?
q6 Average Selling Price by Seller What is the average selling price per seller for their last 10 closed auctions.
q7 Highest Bid Select the bids with the highest bid price in the last period.
q8 Monitor New Users Select people who have entered the system and created auctions in the last period.
q9 Winning Bids Find the winning bid for each auction.
q10 Log to File System Log all events to AWS S3, SQS, and DynamoDB. Illustrates windows streaming data into partitioned file system.
q11 User Sessions How many bids did a user make in each session they were active? Illustrates session windows.
q12 Processing Time Windows How many bids does a user make within a fixed processing time limit? Illustrates working in processing time window.
q13 Bounded Side Input Join Joins a stream to a bounded side input, modeling basic stream enrichment.

Note: q1 ~ q8 are from original NEXMark queries, q0 and q9 ~ q13 are from Apache Beam.

Run the benchmark

flock-cli is a command line interface to Flock. It can be used to run queries or benchmarks against Flock. For example, to run the query 5 on x86_64 for 10 seconds with 1,000 events per second, and 1 generator, you can run:

$ ./flock-cli nexmark run -q 5 -s 10 -e 1000 -g 1 --arch x86_64
Client Output
/:y/` `
       .+ssys+++/-`          `.----.`
        ./oyyyo+++/:.`     `-/+++/-..`
          -/osyso++++/:.` -/++/-`
                `-:/+o++++++oo-                                `````             `
                 `.-//++++++o/   `:++:::://   .:++:`        .:///////.       .://///+-   ./++:` .++/.
                 ``..:+++++o+`     os`   -+     ss        `/+-`//. `-+/`   `+s:`   `o:    `so  `:+-
                     :+++++/`      os`  --      ss        /o`  `+o`  `++   +s:      ``    `so .+:`
                   `:+++++:        os:::o/      ss        o/   /+++`  :s   ss.            `ss/so`
                 .:++++:.`         os`  --      ss     `  /o``+/``o/:`++   +s:      `     `so .oo.
             `.:/++++/.            os`          ss    :+   /+:-`  .-:+/`   `+s:`    o/    `so  `+s:
          .-----:/++-            `:++:-       .:++::::+/    .:++//++:.       ./++///+-   .:o+:`  :o/:
          `.-:::-/:`                                            ``

Flock: A Practical Serverless Streaming SQL Query Engine (

Copyright (c) 2020-present, UMD Data System Group.


This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero
General Public License, version 3 or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


                    Running the benchmark
[info] Running the NEXMark benchmark with the following options:

NexmarkBenchmarkOpt {
    query_number: 5,
    generators: 1,
    seconds: 10,
    events_per_second: 1000,
    data_sink_type: "blackhole",
    async_type: false,
    memory_size: 128,
    architecture: "x86_64",

[info] Creating lambda function: flock_datasource
[info] Creating lambda function group: Group(("q5-00", 8))
[info] Creating function member: q5-00-00
[info] Creating function member: q5-00-01
[info] Creating function member: q5-00-02
[info] Creating function member: q5-00-03
[info] Creating function member: q5-00-04
[info] Creating function member: q5-00-05
[info] Creating function member: q5-00-06
[info] Creating function member: q5-00-07
[info] [OK] Invoking NEXMark source function: flock_datasource by generator 0
[info] [OK] Received status from function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
[info] Waiting for the current invocations to be logged.
[2021-12-16T19:09:35Z INFO  driver::logwatch::tail] Sending log request FilterLogEventsRequest { end_time: None, filter_pattern: None, limit: Some(100), log_group_name: "/aws/lambda/flock_datasource", log_stream_name_prefix: None, log_stream_names: None, next_token: None, start_time: Some(1639681715344) }
[2021-12-16T19:09:38Z INFO  driver::logwatch::tail] [OK] Got response from AWS CloudWatch Logs.
2021-12-16 14:09:18 START RequestId: fd8ae2ad-b64a-4e02-88c8-c43f00974022 Version: $LATEST
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Generating events for 10s over 1 partitions.
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  flock::nexmark::source] Nexmark Benchmark: Query 5
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  flock::nexmark::source] NEXMarkSource { config: Config { args: {"threads": "1", "events-per-second": "1000", "seconds": "10"} }, window: Hopping((10, 5)) }
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  flock::nexmark::source] [OK] Generate nexmark events.
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 0: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 1: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 2: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 3: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 4: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:18 [2021-12-16T19:09:18Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 5: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 6: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 7: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 8: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Epoch 9: 20 persons, 60 auctions, 920 bids.
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Send 10 NexMark events from a window (epoch: 0-10) to function: q5-00-04.
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 0 - function payload bytes: 21078
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 1 - function payload bytes: 22419
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 2 - function payload bytes: 21598
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 3 - function payload bytes: 21997
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 4 - function payload bytes: 22364
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 5 - function payload bytes: 22185
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 6 - function payload bytes: 21767
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 7 - function payload bytes: 21436
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 8 - function payload bytes: 21806
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Event 9 - function payload bytes: 21829
2021-12-16 14:09:19 [2021-12-16T19:09:19Z INFO  flock::window] [OK] Received status from async lambda function. InvocationResponse { executed_version: None, function_error: None, log_result: None, payload: Some(b""), status_code: Some(202) }
2021-12-16 14:09:19 END RequestId: fd8ae2ad-b64a-4e02-88c8-c43f00974022
2021-12-16 14:09:19 REPORT RequestId: fd8ae2ad-b64a-4e02-88c8-c43f00974022      Duration: 1177.85 ms    Billed Duration: 1189 ms        Memory Size: 128 MB     Max Memory Used: 22 MB  Init Duration: 10.88 ms
[2021-12-16T19:09:38Z INFO  driver::deploy::common] Got a Token response

[OK] Nexmark Benchmark Complete

Function Output
TART RequestId: 78a68707-3f3d-4244-a51a-584f9432709d Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 0, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: 78a68707-3f3d-4244-a51a-584f9432709d
REPORT RequestId: 78a68707-3f3d-4244-a51a-584f9432709d	Duration: 38.83 ms	Billed Duration: 66 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 17 MB	Init Duration: 26.32 ms
START RequestId: 23dae113-ccf3-449f-944f-116bb925daaf Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 5, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: 23dae113-ccf3-449f-944f-116bb925daaf
REPORT RequestId: 23dae113-ccf3-449f-944f-116bb925daaf	Duration: 1.71 ms	Billed Duration: 2 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 17 MB
START RequestId: e5e51594-5819-494c-a6d3-c9c9ed9ab865 Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 6, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: e5e51594-5819-494c-a6d3-c9c9ed9ab865
REPORT RequestId: e5e51594-5819-494c-a6d3-c9c9ed9ab865	Duration: 1.30 ms	Billed Duration: 2 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 18 MB
START RequestId: def2fc0b-61da-49f8-80b4-9e49f5f4a091 Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 7, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: def2fc0b-61da-49f8-80b4-9e49f5f4a091
REPORT RequestId: def2fc0b-61da-49f8-80b4-9e49f5f4a091	Duration: 6.89 ms	Billed Duration: 7 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 18 MB
START RequestId: a18c2e75-d1a4-4595-aa84-4cde90eecad4 Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 8, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: a18c2e75-d1a4-4595-aa84-4cde90eecad4
REPORT RequestId: a18c2e75-d1a4-4595-aa84-4cde90eecad4	Duration: 1.16 ms	Billed Duration: 2 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 18 MB
START RequestId: 01168950-7558-4af6-9e8c-8f71c4542149 Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 9, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:56Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: 01168950-7558-4af6-9e8c-8f71c4542149
REPORT RequestId: 01168950-7558-4af6-9e8c-8f71c4542149	Duration: 8.22 ms	Billed Duration: 9 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 18 MB
START RequestId: c28193bb-b818-4cf4-863c-2e9d34dd2398 Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 1, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: c28193bb-b818-4cf4-863c-2e9d34dd2398
REPORT RequestId: c28193bb-b818-4cf4-863c-2e9d34dd2398	Duration: 1.18 ms	Billed Duration: 2 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 18 MB
START RequestId: 46e54b2e-91da-4609-9f54-f152d38681c7 Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 2, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: 46e54b2e-91da-4609-9f54-f152d38681c7
REPORT RequestId: 46e54b2e-91da-4609-9f54-f152d38681c7	Duration: 1.15 ms	Billed Duration: 2 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 18 MB
START RequestId: 2b1c1fe0-9556-4849-8251-39ede796f0f0 Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 3, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Window data collection has not been completed.
END RequestId: 2b1c1fe0-9556-4849-8251-39ede796f0f0
REPORT RequestId: 2b1c1fe0-9556-4849-8251-39ede796f0f0	Duration: 1.08 ms	Billed Duration: 2 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 18 MB
START RequestId: 78c64a1a-b312-4099-b596-541c078b04b7 Version: $LATEST
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Receiving a data packet: Uuid { tid: "q5-1639581654", seq_num: 4, seq_len: 10 }
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor] Received all data packets for the window: "q5-1639581654"
[2021-12-15T15:20:58Z INFO  nexmark_lambda::actor]
| auction | num |
| 1500    | 841 |

Advanced Usage

flock-cli has a number of advanced features that can be used to control and customize the behavior of Flock.

For example, to delete all functions, you can use the flock-cli lambda -D command. Or use the flock-cli lambda -d <function pattern> command to delete specific functions. To list all functions, use the flock-cli lambda -L command.

To see the help for the nexmark run command, issue the command: flock-cli nexmark run -h

Runs the NEXMark Benchmark

    flock-cli nexmark run [OPTIONS]

    -a, --async-type
            Runs the NEXMark benchmark with async function invocations

    -e, --events-per-second <events per second>
            Runs the NEXMark benchmark with a number of events per second [default: 1000]

    -g, --generators <data generators>
            Runs the NEXMark benchmark with a number of data generators [default: 1]

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --log-level <log-level>
            Log level [default: info] [possible values: error, warn, info, debug, trace, off]

    -m, --memory-size <memory size>
            Sets the memory size (MB) for the worker function [default: 128]

    -q, --query <query number>
            Sets the NEXMark benchmark query number [default: 3] [possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
            6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]

    -r, --arch <architecture>
            Sets the architecture for the worker function [default: x86_64] [possible values:
            x86_64, arm64]

    -s, --seconds <duration>
            Runs the NEXMark benchmark for a number of seconds [default: 20]

            Suppress all output

    -t, --data-sink-type <data sink type>
            Runs the NEXMark benchmark with a data sink type [default: blackhole] [possible values:
            sqs, s3, dynamodb, efs, blackhole]

            Log ultra-verbose (trace level) information


Copyright (c) 2020-present UMD Database Group. The library, examples, and all source code are released under AGPL-3.0 License.