Sarufi NodeJS SDK to help you interact with SARUFI platform inspired by Python Sarufi SDK
- Installation
1.1 Installation - Use
2.1. Get your api key
2.1. Create an empty chatbot
2.3. Updating your bot
2.4. Get bot by id
2.5. Get bots
2.6. Delete bot
2.7. Start conversation
2.8. All responses details
From terminal in the root directory of your project, run
npm i sarufi
import sarufi from sarufi
Head to Sarufi, copy your api_key and login:
sarufi.login({ api_key: YOUR_API_KEY })
We supply chatbot details
Request payload
"description": "PUT DESCRIPTION HERE",
"industry": "YOUR BOT INDUSTRY",
"intents": {},
"flows": {},
Then we call
// call this first if you haven't logged in.
sarufi.login({ api_key: YOUR_API_KEY })
sarufi.createBot({bot: REQUEST PAYLOAD})
For detailed description of intents and flows to be used in conversation, refer to Python Sarufi SDK Docs
Response for successful bot creation
Updating a bot, takes in the same arguments as creating a bot with addition of bot id
// api_key is optional
sarufi.updateBot({bot: REQUEST PAYLOAD, id: YOUR BOT ID, api_key: YOUR_API_KEY})
Response on success, is the same as the response for creating a bot
We call the following method on sarufi
and pass the bot id
// api_key is optional
sarufi.getBot({id: BOT ID, api_key: YOUR_API_KEY})
Response on success, is the same as the response for creating and updating a bot
We call the following method on sarufi
and pass the bot id
//For version 0.0.1-Beta
//For versions 0.0.2-Beta and above,
sarufi.getBots({api_key: YOUR_API_KEY}) //This accepts optional paramemters url and api key for persisted authorization tokens.
Response on success
"success": true,
"bots": [] // Array of all bots you created
We call the following method on sarufi
and pass the bot id
// api_key is optional
sarufi.deleteBot({id: BOT ID, api_key: YOUR_API_KEY})
Response on success
"success": true,
There are two methods for this, i.e
- this requires us to get a bot we want to have a conversation with and calling a chat method
- this requires a required message, required bot_id and an optional chat_id as request arguments
// api_key is optional
const bot = await sarufi.getBot({id: 'OUR BOT ID', api_key: YOUR_API_KEY})
await{message: 'Yooh', channel: 'whatsapp'}) //channel is optional (Default is general)
await{message: 'Hey', bot_id:, chat_id: 'HEYOO', api_key: YOUR_API_KEY, channel: 'whatsapp'})
Response on success
// General Channel
"message": string| number | unknown | [string] | Record<string, unknown> | [Record<string, unknown>],
"success": true,
"memory": { [key: string]: string | unknown},
[key: string]: string | unknown
// Whatsapp Channel
"actions": Array<{
"send_message"?: string[];
"send_button"?: any;
"send_reply_button"?: {
"type": string;
"body": { "text": string };
"action": any
"send_image"?: Array<{
"link": string;
"caption": string
"send_audio"?: any;
"send_videos"?: any;
"success": true,
"memory": { [key: string]: string | unknown},
property that shows whether or not the request was successful- For failed requests, the response's success property will be false and additional properties for tracing will be added to the response object
Example of failed request
"success": false,
"message": "MESSAGE", //an error message explaining the error
"code": "string",
"status": "NUMBER",
Although an error response can have more than those properties, when the status is 500, that will denote an error occured within the sarufi otherwise it will be from an error originating from the remote sarufi server.
: For detailed documentation, please visit the Python Sarufi SDK Docs