This client is built for Unity3D Engine. You can download Hicore.unitypackage from the release page and import it to your project and start. For more information check Unity Doc
After you add Unity package to your game you are able to create a new C# file and follow these steps.
Create a socket and client object to connect the mothership server. Insert the hostname and server port you want to connect.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Hicore;
using Hicore.Authentications;
using Hicore.Storage;
public class Game : MonoBehaviour
private HicoreSocket socket = new HicoreSocket("", 7192)
Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"socketKey", "defaultKey"}
private Client client;
Connect to server
private void Start()
client = new Client(socket);
For connecting to child server add this line to Start function
client.connectChild("", 7100);
If you want to see a socket messages such as server status, you can follow this structure
socket.OnConnected += () => { Debug.Log("Connected"); };
socket.OnClosed += () => { Debug.Log("Disconnected"); };
socket.OnPing += args => { Debug.Log("Ping " + args.GetPingInMilliseconds()); };
With a client object, you can create a new user or login the existing user. Authenticate offers more options to create or login, For more information check Authentication part. For example, we've created a new user by deviceId
var deviceId = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier;
client.AuthenticateDeviceId(deviceId, (user, result) =>{
Debug.Log($"NEW USER BY DEVICEID-> ({result.Type}) ({result.Message}) ({result.Code}) ");
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.