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Academic person database - frontend editing

This extension extends the academic_persons extension by the option to edit profiles in the frontend. Profiles get connected with a frontend user and the frontend user is allow to edit its assigned profiles.

This extension is currently in beta state - please notice that there might be changes to the structure


composer require fgtclb/academic-persons-edit

Create a release (maintainers only)


  • git binary
  • ssh key allowed to push new branches to the repository
  • GitHub command line tool gh installed and configured with user having permission to create pull requests.

Prepare release locally

Set RELEASE_BRANCH to branch release should happen, for example: 'main'. Set RELEASE_VERSION to release version working on, for example: '1.1.0'.

echo '>> Prepare release pull-request' ; \
  RELEASE_BRANCH='main' ; \
  RELEASE_VERSION='1.1.0' ; \
  git checkout main && \
  git fetch --all && \
  git pull --rebase && \
  git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH} && \
  git pull --rebase && \
  git checkout -b prepare-release-${RELEASE_VERSION} && \
  composer require --dev "typo3/tailor" && \
  ./.Build/bin/tailor set-version ${RELEASE_VERSION} && \
  composer remove --dev "typo3/tailor" && \
  git add . && \
  git commit -m "[RELEASE] ${RELEASE_VERSION}" && \
  git push --set-upstream origin prepare-release-${RELEASE_VERSION} && \
  gh pr create --fill-verbose --base ${RELEASE_BRANCH} --title "[RELEASE] ${RELEASE_VERSION}" && \
  git checkout main && \
  git branch -D prepare-release-${RELEASE_VERSION}

Check pull-request and the pipeline run.

Merge approved pull-request and push version tag

Set RELEASE_PR_NUMBER with the pull-request number of the preparation pull-request. Set RELEASE_BRANCH to branch release should happen, for example: 'main' (same as in previous step). Set RELEASE_VERSION to release version working on, for example: 1.1.0 (same as in previous step).

  git checkout main && \
  git fetch --all && \
  git pull --rebase && \
  gh pr checkout ${RELEASE_PR_NUMBER} && \
  gh pr merge -rd ${RELEASE_PR_NUMBER} && \
  git tag ${RELEASE_VERSION} && \
  git push --tags

This triggers the on push tags workflow (publish.yml) which creates the upload package, creates the GitHub release and also uploads the release to the TYPO3 Extension Repository.