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dbus = distributed data bus
It is yet another lightweight versatile databus system that transfer/transform pipeline data between plugins.
dbus works by building a DAG of structured data out of the different plugins: from data input, via filter, to the output.
Similar projects
- logstash
- flume
- nifi
- camel
- kettle
- zapier
- google cloud dataflow
- canal
- storm
- yahoo pipes (dead)
dbus is not yet a 1.0. We're writing more tests, fixing bugs, working on TODOs.
dbus supports powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, transformation and system mediation logic.
- Designed for extension
- plugin architecture
- build your own plugins and more
- enables rapid development and effective testing
- Data Provenance
- track dataflow from beginning to end
- visualized dataflow
- rich metrics feed into tsdb
- online manual mediation of the dataflow
- monitoring with alert
- Distributed Deployment
- shard/balance/auto rebalance
- linear scale
- Delivery Guarantee
- loss tolerant
- high throuput vs low latency
- back pressure
- Robustness
- race condition detected
- edge cases fully covered
- network jitter tested
- dependent components failure tested
- Systemic Quality
- hot reload
- dryrun throughput 1.9M packets/s
- Cluster Support
- modelling borrowed from helix+kafka controller
- currently only leader/standby with sharding, without replica
- easy to write a distributed plugin
To start using dbus, install Go and run go get
$ go get -u github.com/funkygao/dbus
Please find sample config files in etc/ directory.
$ $GOPATH/dbusd -conf $myfile
dbus uses zookeeper for sharding/balance/election.
More plugins are listed under dbus-plugin.
- MysqlbinlogInput
- KafkaInput
- MockInput
- StreamInput
- MysqlbinlogFilter
- MockFilter
- KafkaOutput
- ESOutput
- MockOutput
- StreamOutput
- KafkaOutput async mode with batch=1024/500ms, ack=WaitForAll
- KafkaOutput retry=3, retry.backoff=350ms
- Mysql binlog positioner commit every 1s, channal buffer 100
is it totally data loss tolerant?
if the binlog exceeds 1MB, it will be discarded(lost)
ERROR 1236 (HY000): Could not find first log file name in binary log index file
the checkpointed binlog position is gone on master, reset the zk znode and replication will automatically resume
how to migrate mysql database?
mysqldump --user=root --master-data --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --compact --skip-opt --quick --no-create-info --skip-extended-insert --all-databases
parse CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql.000005', MASTER_LOG_POS=80955497;
MysqlbinlogInput load position for incremental loading
- no Delivery Guarantee
- no Data Provenance
- no integration with kafka
- only hot standby deployment mode, we need sharding load
- dbus is a dataflow engine, while canal only support mysql binlog pipeline
- logstash has better ecosystem
- dbus is cluster aware, provides delivery guarantee, data provenance
For example, 3 participants with 1 being the leader. Then 1 is network partitioned and zk session expires, [2, 3] found this event and re-elect 2 as new leader. Before 1 regain new zk session, [1] and [2] are leaders both. If [1] and [2] both found resources changes, they will both rebalance the cluster.
dbus uses epoch to solve this issue.
zookeeper crash
dbus continues to work, but Ack will not be able to persist
- resource group
- myslave should have no checkpoint, placed in Input
- enhance Decision.Equals to avoid thundering herd
- myslave server_id uniq across the cluster
- tweak of batcher yield
- add Operator for Filter
- count, filter, regex, sort, split, rename
- RowsEvent avro
- controller
- a participant is electing, then shutdown took a long time(blocked by CreateLiveNode)
- 2 phase rebalance: close participants then notify new resources
- what if RPC fails
- leader.onBecomingLeader is parallal: should be sequential
- hot reload raises cluster herd: participant changes too much
- when leader make decision, it persists to zk before RPC for leader failover
- owner of resource
- leader RPC has epoch info
- if Ack fails(zk crash), resort to local disk(load on startup)
- engine shutdown, controller still send rpc
- test cases
- sharded resources
- brain split
- zk dies or kill -9, use cache to continue work
- kill -9 participant/leader, and reschedule
- cluster chaos monkey
- kafka producer qos
- batcher only retries after full batch ack'ed, add timer?
- KafkaConsumer might not be able to Stop
- pack.Payload reuse memory, json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
- kguard integration
- router finding matcher is slow
- hot reload on config file changed
- each Input have its own recycle chan, one block will not block others
- when Input stops, Output might still need its OnAck
- KafkaInput plugin
- use scheme to distinguish type of DSN
- plugins Run has no way of panic
- (replication.go:117) [zabbix] invalid table id 2968, no correspond table map event
- make canal, high cpu usage
- because CAS backoff 1us, cpu busy
- ugly design of Input/Output ack mechanism
- we might learn from storm bolt ack
- some goroutine leakage
- telemetry mysql.binlog.lag/tps tag name should be input name
- pipeline
- 1 input, multiple output
- filter to dispatch dbs of a single binlog to different output
- kill Packet.input field
- visualized flow throughput like nifi
- router metrics
- dbusd api server
- logging
- share zkzone instance
- presence and standby mode
- graceful shutdown
- master must drain before leave cluster
- KafkaOutput metrics
- binlog tps
- kafka tps
- lag
- hub is shared, what if a plugin blocks others
- currently, I have no idea how to solve this issue
- Batcher padding
- shutdown kafka
- zk checkpoint vs kafka checkpoint
- kafka follower stops replication
- can a mysql instance with miltiple databases have multiple Log/Position?
- kafka sync produce in batch
- DDL binlog
- drop table y;
- trace async producer Successes channel and mark as processed
- metrics
- telemetry and alert
- what if replication conn broken
- position will be stored in zk
- play with binlog_row_image
- project feature for multi-tenant
- bug fix
- kill dbusd, dbusd-slave did not leave cluster
- next log position leads to failure after resume
- KafkaOutput only support 1 partition topic for MysqlbinlogInput
- table id issue
- what if invalid position
- router stat wrong Total:142,535,625 0.00B speed:22,671/s 0.00B/s max: 0.00B/0.00B
- ffjson marshalled bytes has NL before the ending bracket
- test cases
- restart mysql master
- mysql kill process
- race detection
- tc drop network packets and high latency
- mysql binlog zk session expire
- reset binlog pos, and check kafka didn't recv dup events
- MysqlbinlogInput max_event_length
- min.insync.replicas=2, shutdown 1 kafka broker then start
- place config to central zk znode and watch changes
- Known issues
- Binlog Dump thread not close github/gh-ost#292
- Roadmap
- pubsub audit reporter
- universal kafka listener and outputer
mysqlbinlog input peak with mock output
- 140k event per second
- 30k row event per second
- 260Mb network bandwidth
- KafkaOutput 35K msg per second
- it takes 2h25m to zero lag for platform of 2d lag
dryrun MockInput -> MockOutput
- 2.1M packet/s