Authors: Felipe Ripoll. ([email protected]
With this web application you can create your own tests (Driving school tests, Academic tests, Flight license tests...) and practice with them. This application has been developed using Erlang/OTP (using Mnesia as a store) and Angular JS.
Try it on Total Testing
Total testing uses Rebar3.
$ git clone
$ cd total_testing
$ make
After compile we should compile the jiffy dependency, it seems is not well integrated with rebar3.
$ cd _build/default/lib/jiffy
$ make
$ cd ../../../..
After compiling the code, open a erlang console
$ erl -pa _build/default/lib/*/ebin
Then start total testing :
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8082 and enjoy!
In order to run the Erlang tests:
$ make test