The fdiwg is a set of open and collaborative repositories to foster Fisheries Data Interoperability (FDI). It aims to be a collaborative working environment to progressively shape standards and implementation guidelines to facilitate fisheries data exchange. Currently it is used as working environment to foster collaboration and implementation of case studies in the context of:
- the Coordinating Working Party on fishery statistics ad hoc task groups, in particular the TG on Reference harmonization - TG-RH - and TG on Geospatial - TG-Geospatial.
- the Fishery Resources Monitoring System
The fdiwg includes both digital data resources and supporting tools.
The digital data resources are structured into four main repositories:
- fdi-terms: referencing a list of fishery preferred terms, applicable for fishery concepts and their definitions, to be used as basis for data exchange, but also for dissemination
- fdi-codelists: referencing all code lists (including CWP standard code lists) and their metadata.
- fdi-mappings: referencing all mappings between code lists, including:
- fdi-formats: referencing digital format specifications to be used as basis for data templating, validation and submission in data collection frameworks use cases piloted through the FIRMS dcf-shiny platform.
The supporting tools currently under development include at this stage:
- R packages
- fdi4R R package with a set of utilities
- vrule R package to support data validation rules based on fdi-formats digital specifications
- artfishr R package to support Artfish implementation
- repfishr R package to support countries regional and global reporting
- R shiny applications
- dcf-shiny R Shiny application in support of Data Collection Frameworks and underlying data calls management, data validation & submission. The application relies on the vrule R package for data validation.
- dcf-dashboard R shiny application to show data availability from databases built on dcf-shiny. Applied to
- dcf-dashboard-wecafis WECAFIS regional data base
- dcf-dashboard-recofi RECOFI regional data base
- dcf-dashboard-gta Global Tuna Atlas (GTA)
- smt-shiny R Shiny application for Stock monitoring tools, developed by FAO, is available to the global community and hosted via remote computational facilities with considerable processing resources. This tool was designed to allow users with little to no programming experience to run methods developed for data-limited situations to evaluate and monitor the sustainability of fish stocks.