Friendly and very light weight tool to keep track of list of things. Designed with bugs/tickets/GTD in mind
See some generated Bug file
Even though single list management is possible, this tool is intended to be used from many places at a time. By default each folder with a SCM repository is candidate to be a storage. The idea is to manage a list of topics grouped by folders, which "just works" with your projects under version control. In case you are using empty folders you will just need to git init or hg init once - you may also want to commit from time to time to keep history.
- CLI (works in a terminal)
- Simple text file used as storage (ReStructuredText)
- SCM friendly, support provided for git, mercurial and svn
- Colorized in the terminal
- No need to edit the text file by hand
- Automatically detects the "root" folder to use by finding .hg, .svn or other version manager folder in parent directories
- More advanced features not getting in your way if you don't need them:
- Priorities
- Tags
- Attributes
- Time tracker (counts the time spent on a given task)
- Web Server allowing real-time read only sharing of the list
- HTML export
- Search tool (
- Pure Python, no dependency required (Ok...
, but misses it ? ;) - Simple one file design, keeping things short
- Supports plugins, provided examples:
- Jira interaction
- Impress output (interactive slides)
- No database, only the
file is used for storage
The command line tool is br and works in the current directory. If you don't like this, feel free to edit br file and change the following lines to absolute paths:
BUGFILE = '/home/john/tickets.rst' DONEFILE = '/home/john/done.rst' SOURCE_MGR=False
Edit the configuration:
br cfg
List bugs:
Add new bug:
br new
Delete bug number 4:
br rm 4
Add one comment:
br add 3
Show full description of current bugs:
br show
Show description of some specific bug:
br show 42
Produce an html report:
br html > bugs.html
Start a web server on port 5555:
br serve
Change priority of item #66 (using bugid
instead of item position):
br set #66 priority 10
Tag ticket #3 as "feature":
br tag #3 feature
List tickets tagged as "feature":
br tag feature
Display tickets containing "comm":
br show $(br -q grep comm)
Same with filter:
br show $(br -q filter 'text=.*comm')
Search only the title:
br show $(br -q filter 'title=.*comm')
any attribute can be used with filter (cf set command). Eg, listing tickets created in 2016:
br filter created=2016
Mark done/remove the bugs tagged "old":
br rm $(br -q tag old)
List tickets due today (if a due attribute is set):
br filter due=$(date -I)
List tickets created this month:
br filter created=${$(date -I)%-*}
generate an html5 presentation from the tickets:
br impress
generate an html5 presentation from a presentation file following similar format, saving under index.html
br presentation.rst impress > index.html
Make the 7 first slides go from right to left:
for n in $(seq 0 6); do br README.rst set $n x -2000; done