This app implements a model for utilization of ICU beds, floor beds, and patient deaths due to COVID-19. The model was developed by the COVID-19 Statistics, Policy modeling and Epidemiology Collective (C-SPEC). The app was written by Soheil Eshghi, Margret Erlendsdottir, Maile Thayer Phillips, Suzan Iloglu, Christian Testa and Forrest W. Crawford using the R shiny framework.
We are especially grateful to Gregg Gonsalves, David Paltiel, Hanna Ehrlich, Raphael Sherak, Melanie Chitwood, Thomas Thornhill, Nicole Swartwood, and Stephanie Perniciaro for advice and comments.
To cite this web app:
Soheil Eshghi, Margret Erlendsdottir, Maile Thayer Phillips, Suzan Iloglu, Forrest W. Crawford, and the COVID-19 Statistics, Policy modeling and Epidemiology Collective (C-SPEC). "COVID-19 Hospital Capacity Model" 2020.
To install this package, you will need devtools
library(devtools) # or install.packages("devtools")
# use devtools::load_all() for development or devtools::install() to be able to library(covid19icu)
# after installing and loading covid19icu, run the app with
The live version of the app is hosted here:
The app is provided under the MIT license.