fast-near aims to provide the fastest RPC implementation for @NEARProtocol using high performance storage backends like:
- in-memory storage in Redis.
- SSD optimized storage using LMDB.
It is optimized for view call performance and ease of deploy and scaling.
It currently doesn't sync with network on its own, data needs to be loaded either from NEAR Lake or from
RPC performance isn't good enough for novel use cases like
fast-near achieves better performance by using
- in-memory storage using Redis
- client-side caching to save on Redis I/O
- V8 WebAssembly implementation
- disabled gas metering (timeout works fine for view calls)
- simpler REST API (no JSON wrapper if passing large binaries, etc)
- good compatibility with caching at HTTP layer (using Nginx, etc)
fast-near is also a good fit if you want to run RPC node serving limited subset of accounts (e.g. supporting your app exclusively) on a smaller hardware. This works well if data is sourced from NEAR Lake.
FAST_NEAR_REDIS_URL=<redis_ip> FAST_NEAR_NODE_URL=<rpc_endpoint> npx fast-near
FAST_NEAR_REDIS_URL=<redis_ip> FAST_NEAR_NODE_URL=<rpc_endpoint> yarn start
docker build -t fastrpc .
docker run -d -e FAST_NEAR_REDIS_URL=<redis_ip> -e FAST_NEAR_NODE_URL=<rpc_endpoint> fastrpc
To load from NEAR Lake (use --help
to learn more about options):
node scripts/load-from-near-lake.js near-lake-data-mainnet --batch-size 50 --history-length 1 --dump-changes
To load from NEAR Lake (use --help
to learn more about options):
FAST_NEAR_STORAGE_TYPE=lmdb node scripts/load-from-near-lake.js near-lake-data-mainnet --batch-size 50 --history-length 1 --dump-changes
Run server:
FAST_NEAR_STORAGE_TYPE=lmdb yarn start
To load data for app1.near
, app2.near
and all subaccounts of superapp.near
node scripts/load-from-near-lake.js near-lake-data-mainnet --include app1.near --include app2.near --include '*.superapp.near' --dump-changes
To load data for all accounts except aurora
and sweat
node scripts/load-from-near-lake.js near-lake-data-mainnet --exclude aurora.* --exclude sweat.* --dump-changes
Currently there are such options to dump data loaded from NEAR Lake:
- dumps state changes into storage. UseFAST_NEAR_STORAGE_TYPE
to specify storage type. Defaults toredis
See for Rust implementation running full nearcore node.
- port to listen on (default:3000
- storage type to use (default:redis
). Supported values:redis
- enable client-side caching (default:true
- path to LMDB database (default:./lmdb-data
). This is only used ifFAST_NEAR_STORAGE_TYPE
is set tolmdb
- Redis URL (default:redis://localhost:6379
- NEAR RPC endpoint (default:
). This is only used as a fallback for JSON-RPC endpoint.FAST_NEAR_ARCHIVAL_NODE_URL
- NEAR RPC endpoint for archival node (default:
). This is only used as a fallback for JSON-RPC endpoint for data unavailable in Redis or on non-archival RPC.FAST_NEAR_ALWAYS_PROXY
- Always proxy JSON-RPC requests toFAST_NEAR_NODE_URL
- Minimum block height expected to be present in Redis (default:0
- Number of workers to use for execution of WASM code. (default:4
- Timeout for contract execution in milliseconds (default:1000
- Testnet:
- Mainnet:
You can post either JSON or binary body, it's passed raw as input to given method.
URL format:<contract_account_id>/view/<method_name>
http post account_id=vlad.near
Parameters are passed as part of URL query.
URL format:<contract_account_id>/view/<method_name>?<arg_name>=<string_arg_value>&<arg_name.json>=<json_arg_value>
curl ''
curl --globoff '{"path":"/"}'{"path":"/"}
curl ''
URL format:<account_id>
curl ''
URL format:<account_id>/key/<public_key>
curl ''
URL format:<account_id>/contract
curl ''
URL format:<account_id>/contract/methods
curl ''
Some of the planned and already implemented components. Is not exhaustive list.
- Loading data
- Allow loading from NEAR Data Lake
- Allow loading from NEAR ZeroMQ Indexer for smaller latency
- Compress history to given time window
- [?] Update near-state-indexer to load latest format in Redis
- [?] Update nearcore to load latest format in Redis
- Load account keys
- Filter accounts when loading
- Load recent transactions results
- Manage lowest known block height dynamically
- Delegate to another fast-near REST API instance if given account data not present
- Delegate to another nearcore JSON-RPC instance if given account data not present?
- Call view methods
- View contract WASM
- View contract methods
- View account
- View contract state
- View account access key
- View account access keys list
- View transaction results
- Submit transaction
- Structured error handling
- Call view methods
- View account
- Proxy to another node if not implemented / hitting archival
- Decide whether needs to be supported (e.g. Pagoda can allocate grant)
- NEAR P2P Protocol
- Basic data structures
- POC downloading blocks with transactions
- Submit transaction
- Load and execute transactions
- WASM Runtime
- Basic view method support
- Implement missing imports for view methods
- State change method support
- Storage
- Redis
- Abstract storage API
- LMDB storage
- Load storage selectively from another fast-near instance
- Browser-based storage
- Tests
- Test compress-history
- Test view calls
- Integration test with loading near-lake mainnet data
- Full coverage of runtime methods
- More robust integration tests