An easy to use open-source, multithreaded Proxy Checker. Allows you to quickly check HTTP and SOCKS proxies in a user friendly GUI, for Windows, Mac OS, Linux.
- GUI based
- Check SOCKS or HTTP Proxies
- Multithreaded & Multiplatform
- Filters and Removes Duplicate Proxies
- Ability to Load from multiple Proxy Lists
- Proxy Anonymity, Response Time & Country Information
- Export Table (CSV) and Export Based on Anonymity
- Java 1.8+
- Internet Connection :)
Simply download the latest packaged release for your system and run!
- Latest Release
- Windows (.exe), Mac OS (.dmg), Other (.jar)
Now also available on Docker Hub 🐳
This assumes you have both Java and Maven setup correctly.
git clone
mvn package -f ProxyChecker/pom.xml
java -jar ProxyChecker/target/ProxyChecker.jar
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
-- The application icon is provided by David Cross, from Webhosting Media