Python3 library with command line interface to interact with the Drink Management System (DMS) of the student council TF Uni Freiburg.
Example use case: Order product from the command line.
$ dms order spezi -u johann
(1) Johannes Mustermann
(2) Johanna Musterfrau
(3) Johann Mustermensch
Please enter a number between 1 and 3: 1
Order 1 NetteMarke Spezi (0.70€) for Johannes Mustermann? [YES/no] y
Order successful.
You need python 3.5
or newer and pip
For development you also need git installed on your machine.
Install the dmsclient library and command line interface simply from PyPi:
pip3 install dmsclient
For developers it's recommended to install from source vie develop. Then all changes in code are automatically available in the library and command line without reinstallation.
git clone git@<git url>:<user>/dmsclient.git
cd dmsclient
python3 develop
The installation of dmsclient
provides a command line interface dms
For authentication you have to generate a token key in your dms profile settings.
Add your token to a .dmsrc
file in your home folder.
[DEFAULT] Token = XxxxxXXXxxxxxXXXXxxxxxxxXXX
Then you can start using dms
. You'll find all available commands via
dms --help
User and product names don't have to be added exactly, but are estimated from what you type. E.g.:
$ dms buy apfel -u must
Buy Apfelschorle (0.70€) for Max Mustermann? [Y/n]
For communication with the DMS via REST you can use the DmsClient
class provided by this library.
Authentication is provided via a token key which you can generate in the DMS profile settings.
Usually the token is stored in an RC file readable with DmsConfig
import os
from random import sample
from dmsclient import DmsClient, DmsConfig
rcfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.dmsrc')
cfg = DmsConfig()
API functions of DmsClient
usually return coroutines for asynchronous access.
import asyncio
async def async_order_random_stuff_for_last_customer(loop, cfg):
async with DmsClient(cfg.token, cfg.api) as dms:
# register tasks which can run in parallel
products_task = loop.create_task(dms.products)
sales_task = loop.create_task(dms.sale_history(num_days=1))
# execute tasks to fetch data in parallel
available_products = [p for p in await products_task
if p.quantity > 0]
random_product = sample(available_products, 1)[0]
last_sale = (await sales_task)[0]
# order random product
await dms.add_order(, last_sale['profile'])
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(async_order_random_stuff_for_last_customer(loop, cfg))
Still, you can use the library also in a synchronous fashion
from syncer import sync
async def order_random_stuff_for_last_customer(cfg):
async with DmsClient(cfg.token, cfg.api) as dms:
# synchronous fetch data
products = await dms.products
sales = await dms.sale_history(num_days=1)
available_products = [p for p in products
if p.quantity > 0]
random_product = sample(available_products, 1)[0]
last_sale = sales[0]
# order random product
await dms.add_order(, last_sale['profile'])
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Connect synchronously
client = dms.DmsClient(cfg.token, cfg.api)
# Read products
products = loop.run_until_complete(client.products)
Initiated by David-Elias Künstle <kuenstld[at]tf.uni-freiburg> / Github but see contributors for a full list of contributions.
dmsclient is available under the MIT License
Big thanks to the DMS and DMS-API developers!