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'algorithm' file not found (since RN 0.53) #711

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JasperH8g opened this issue Feb 7, 2018 · 44 comments
1 task done

'algorithm' file not found (since RN 0.53) #711

JasperH8g opened this issue Feb 7, 2018 · 44 comments


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☝️ However, this is very similar to this other issue. Could it be possible to fix these kind of errors in a bit more structural way? 🤔

Issues and Steps to Reproduce

We've got this in our PodFile:

pod 'React', :path => 'node_modules/react-native', :subspecs => [
pod 'yoga', :path => 'node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga'

Prior to ReactNative 0.53 this worked. After upgrading to the latest it doesn't.

Expected Behavior

A successful build

Actual Behavior

This error:

screen shot 2018-02-07 at 10 49 03

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ImL1s commented Feb 12, 2018

I have same problem...

screen shot 2018-02-12 at 1 03 22 pm

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danieljvdm commented Feb 12, 2018

There are three lines in yoga-umbrella.h that won't build:

#import "YGNode.h"
#import "YGNodePrint.h"
#import "Yoga-internal.h"

You can remove them manually but the following cocoapods post install script fixes the issue:

def remove_unused_yoga_headers
    filepath = './Pods/Target Support Files/yoga/yoga-umbrella.h'
    contents = []
    file =, 'r')
    file.each_line do | line |
        contents << line
    contents.delete_at(14) # #import "YGNode.h"
    contents.delete_at(14) # #import "YGNodePrint.h"
    contents.delete_at(14) # #import "Yoga-internal.h"
    file =, 'w') do |f|

post_install do | installer |

Full disclosure, I have no clue what these headers are meant for and thus there could be some side effects with this script. However, my app seems to be running without issues.

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sanjay-io commented Feb 24, 2018

I'm seeing this issue as well. After removing those lines in yoga-umbrella.h, I'm getting:

umbrella header for module 'yoga' does not include header 'YGNode.h' 
#import "Headers/yoga-umbrella.h"
<module-includes>:1:1: error: umbrella header for module 'yoga' does not include header 
<module-includes>:1:1: error: umbrella header for module 'yoga' does not include header 'Yoga-internal.h'

Which totally makes sense after removing those lines.

This seems to be an issue in RN 0.52.X as well: #697

I think the only solution for me right now is to back-up to 0.51.0.

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The workaround from @danieljvdm seems to work. Would be nice if we don't need this kind of black magic though 😅

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Tried the 0.54.0-rc3 and still get the same error.

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krmao commented Feb 28, 2018

how to solve it ?

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@krmao read my comment

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krmao commented Mar 1, 2018

@danieljvdm yes , thank you guy !

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Manually deleting the lines or adding the post install script does not solve it for me. I still get the same issue. I'm also upgrading my project from 0.45.0, maybe that has something to do with it?

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see this pr

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@hitbear518 That worked for me, but then I get the fishhook error. I resolved that, and now I have another error. This feels like a slippery slope. The new error is in the image and because of that, I cannot import React anywhere in my project without it failing to build React.

screen shot 2018-03-12 at 1 37 02 pm

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@justColbs this is a new error in 54.0, I spent a few hours trying to fix it but eventually gave up. Seem like there's illegal syntax in a bunch of new files

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@danieljvdm Smh. Thanks for the response. I'll try downgrading to 0.53 and cross my fingers.

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ghost commented Mar 15, 2018

I am having this imports in the "yoga-umbrella.h". what do I want to do?
#import "Utils.h" #import "YGEnums.h" #import "Yoga-internal.h" #import "Yoga.h"

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@amardeepranu No clue. I just downgraded to 0.53 and it didn't give me any more problems with this, other than the plethora of problems that have hacky solutions :)

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Downgrading to [email protected] didn't fix it for me (same algorithm error).
Downgrading to [email protected] and [email protected] didn't fix it for me either (this time fishhook error).


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@lemonkey You can fix that fishhook error, but i'm not sure if you've tried it. #import "fishhook.h" should be the replacement.

... I feel your pain. ha

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@justColbs Was able to go forward with [email protected] and [email protected] with the fishhook.h import fix, thanks.

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JasperH8g commented Mar 20, 2018

FYI: This is still an issue on 0.54.2 😒

  OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.3
  Node: 8.2.1
  Yarn: 0.27.5
  npm: 5.3.0
  Watchman: 4.9.0
  Xcode: Xcode 9.2 Build version 9C40b
  Android Studio: 3.0 AI-171.4443003

Packages: (wanted => installed)
  react: ^16.2.0 => 16.2.0
  react-native: ^0.54.2 => 0.54.2

By the way, the hacks above do not work for me anymore either:

screen shot 2018-03-21 at 07 28 08

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@amardeepranu Thanks, confirming that your Podfile post-install step along with the package.json postinstall Fishhook fix worked for me with [email protected] and react@^16.3.0-alpha.1 (latest as I write this).


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54lihaoxin added a commit to 54lihaoxin/react_native_playground that referenced this issue Mar 31, 2018
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This is still an issue in RN 0.54.4:

  OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.3
  Node: 8.2.1
  Yarn: 1.5.1
  npm: 5.3.0
  Watchman: 4.9.0
  Xcode: Xcode 9.3 Build version 9E145
  Android Studio: 3.1 AI-173.4670197

Packages: (wanted => installed)
  react: ^16.3.0 => 16.3.0
  react-native: ^0.54.4 => 0.54.4

screen shot 2018-04-03 at 14 02 48

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ucerxxx commented Apr 13, 2018

yoga-umbrella.h file should have only three imports: #import "Yoga.h" #import "YGEnums.h" #import "YGMacros.h"

There are three ways to achieve it:

  1. Fix it manually after pods are built
  2. Fix yoga.podspec manually or using patch:
  3. Add script in podfile in post_install similar to @amardeepranu post

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no-NameTillNow commented Apr 18, 2018

Workarounds for all integrating issues
1.'algorithm' file not found and yoga/Yoga.h missing
Add the below line at yoga.podspec will be at node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga
spec.public_header_files = 'yoga/Yoga.h', 'yoga/YGEnums.h', 'yoga/YGMacros.h'
then do 'Pod install'
2.there some issues regarding typedef and NSAttributedKeyString ,which u can solve by the hints xcode provides
3.After doing step 1 & 2 build, again there will be error ,now
if there is an error with 'folly/folly-config.h' just deleted node_modules and uninstall react-native then agin install react-native
also delete ur Deriveddata of xcode (rm -rfd ~/Library/Development/Xcode/DerivedData)
else if there is error pointing @ CGSize &minimum in RCTSurfaceSizeMeasureMode.h then,
add "ifdef _cpluscplus" before RCT_EXTERN func and add "#endif" after func close
4.clean and build
All errors will be cleared
Hope it works
P.S: whenever you do pod install clean ur project and then run

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Can someone from the core team explain why this is still happening?


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It means that I,in "RCTSurfaceHostingView.h" file.
Use of undeclared identifier 'RCTSurfaceMinimumSizeAndMaximumSizeFromSizeAndSizeMeasureMode'


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After a lot of struggling, I came down to these additions to our Podfile, which is a combination of a lot of workarounds from this and other issues 😒

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Change use_frameworks! ==> # use_frameworks! ?

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orta commented May 16, 2018

I have a shared project for hot fixing React Native versions for issues like this:

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In my case add this line to yoga.podspec file
spec.public_header_files = 'yoga/Yoga.h', 'yoga/YGEnums.h', 'yoga/YGMacros.h'


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ibrahimab commented Jun 7, 2018

Since 0.55.4 I can delete React and the other packages from Cocoapods, most packages I use have updated their repo so React 0.11 won't install.

Still, can one of the contributors explain why some of the third party packages causes cocoapods to install another version of React and how we can fix this without defining it in the Podfile. The reason I ask is because when I do this in my projects everything goes wrong and, even while including DevSupport in the subspecs, shaking to open dev menu will not work. I also get a lot of other dependency issues and compilation issues, so I would much prefer not including React and the subspecs in my Podfile. (extra: this issue is not contained to using "use_frameworks!").

Maybe an issue should be opened to expand the documentation to tackle this problem that many developers are facing, especially if those developers haven't heard of this repo:

Can I get an official reaction from the React Native Core Team? I am happy to contribute but I would love to know what is causing this and whether you are working on this.

I am tagging the only contributor I know actively answers questions: @hramos (thank you hramos!)


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hramos commented Jun 12, 2018

@ibrahimab a PR was already opened against facebook/react-native to do just that: facebook/react-native#19265. It was merged about three weeks ago, and is now part of the 0.56.0-rc release candidate that we published yesterday. Another PR was also merged recently which should have fixed the fishhook issue others were running into.

Please give the RC a try and let us know if the issue is resolved. I'm going to look through @orta's repo and see if there's anything else we need to pull in, but feel free to send a PR if you have a specific fix in mind already.

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"react": "16.4.1",
"react-native": "^0.56.0",
In file included from /Users/Pods/libsodium/src/libsodium/crypto_aead/aes256gcm/aesni/aead_aes256gcm_aesni.c:19:

still having this ,drive me crazy

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lamdan commented Sep 18, 2018

@jeffzing i ran into this as well with NAChloride/libsodium. I finally fixed it by setting the Header Search Paths for the libsodium target to only:

"${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Private/libsodium" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/NAChloride" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/libsodium" "$(PODS_ROOT)/libsodium/src/libsodium/include/sodium" "$(PODS_ROOT)/libsodium/src/libsodium/include"

and setting "Use Header Maps" to "No".

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jeffzing commented Oct 9, 2018

@lamdan infact this is a problem with cocoapods,i build lib of sodium.a without pod then everything works fine.It's a config.h file cross reference issue.anyway thank you guys.

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jeffzing commented Oct 9, 2018

if there anyone need libsodium.a,let me know

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fmorau commented Oct 3, 2019


It means after "reinstall" of the app: pod install etc. --> you reset this setting?)

I also use NAChloride and run into this issue :/

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fmorau commented Oct 3, 2019

@lamdan maybe you found a better way to solve it? :)

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It looks like this issue regards building an older version of react-native. Please reopen in the react-native repo if you experience the problem with a more recent version.

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