All standards compliant browsers and platforms such as Desktops, Tablets, Smartphones, Google TV, and more!
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8+ (Standards Mode)
- Google Chrome 6+
- Mozilla FireFox 3.6+
- Apple Safari 5+
- Opera 9+
- Apple iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad
- Google Android
- node.js & npm (npm install abaaso)
- Automatic RESTful XHR / AJAX!
- Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State (HATEOAS) with a user defined HTTP header
- Object Oriented Programming with classes, methods and chaining
- Semantic classes & methods, easy to read and easy to say out loud
- Helper function $() with DOM selectors
- Advanced event handling with multiple Application States
- Deep Setting with define()
- Namespace is available on $
- Install node.js & npm
- Run "npm install grunt -g"
- Run "git clone git://"
- Enter the abaaso directory & run "grunt" (this builds abaaso into dist & runs the unit tests)
abaaso is licensed under BSD-3
Copyright (c) 2012, Jason Mulligan [email protected]