Managed automatically by a robot. The resources are available on the following github repository validators-keybase-logo (the file name corresponds to the keybase identity defined for your validator).
Name | Type | Description | Required |
$schema | string |
Enum: "../../chain.schema.json" |
yes |
name | string |
Must match with the Chain Registry name. |
yes |
slug | string |
yes | |
chainName | string |
yes | |
logo_URIs | object |
yes | |
rpcUrl | string |
yes | |
restUrl | string |
yes | |
chainId | string |
yes | |
consumerId | string |
Only required for consumer chain. |
no |
bech32 | string |
no | |
denom | string |
yes | |
denomUpper | string |
yes | |
sdenom | string |
yes | |
bech32PrefixAcc | string |
no | |
bech32PrefixVal | string |
no | |
coinType | number |
yes | |
gasPriceStep | object |
yes | |
coinDecimals | number |
yes | |
features | string[] |
yes | |
coinGeckoId | string , null |
yes | |
assets | object[] |
Required only for assets that's not in the Cosmos Chain Registry. |
no |
chainInfo | object |
yes | |
colors | object |
yes | |
links | array |
yes | |
isExplorerEnabled | boolean |
yes | |
isModuleEnabled | object |
yes | |
isAProviderChain | boolean |
no | |
isAConsumerChain | boolean |
no | |
providerChain | string |
no | |
gasModifier | number |
If the gas calculation is wrong, you can change the multiplier. Default: 1.3 |
no |
isNativelySupportedByKeplr | boolean |
Allow to add the chain in Keplr. |
yes |
withCoingeckoApi | boolean |
If we validate your chain, we'll take care of the API ourselves. If not, don't hesitate to provide us with an API key: contact[@]ezstaking[.]io. Default: false |
yes |
isFeatured | boolean |
True if we validate your chain. Default: false |
yes |
Additional Properties: not allowed
"gasPriceStep": {},
"gasModifier": 1.3,
"withCoingeckoApi": false,
"isFeatured": false
Name | Type | Description | Required |
png | string |
svg | string |
Additional Properties: not allowed
Required Properties:
Item Type: string
Item Enum: "ibc-transfer"
, "ibc-go"
, "cosmwasm"
, "wasmd_0.24+"
, "eth-address-gen"
, "eth-key-sign"
, "secretwasm"
Required only for assets that's not in the Cosmos Chain Registry.
Item Properties
Name | Type | Description | Required |
base | string |
yes | |
coingecko_id | string , null |
yes | |
denom_units | array |
yes | |
description | string |
yes | |
display | string |
yes | |
logo_URIs | object |
yes | |
name | string |
yes | |
symbol | string |
yes |
Item Additional Properties: not allowed
Required Properties:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
png | string |
svg | string |
Additional Properties: not allowed
Name | Type | Description | Required |
cosmosSdkVersion | string |
Minimal Length: 5 Maximal Length: 14 Pattern: ``^(?:0 |
[1-9]\d*).(?:0 |
ibcGoVersion | string |
Minimal Length: 5 Maximal Length: 14 Pattern: ``^(?:0 |
[1-9]\d*).(?:0 |
Additional Properties: not allowed
Name | Type | Description | Required |
primaryLight | string |
Primary color for light theme. |
yes |
primaryDark | string |
Primary color for dark theme. |
yes |
onPrimaryLight | string |
Text color applied for primary light color. |
yes |
onPrimaryDark | string |
Text color applied for primary dark color. |
yes |
Additional Properties: not allowed
Option 1 (alternative):
Option 2 (alternative):
Minimum Items: 4
Maximum Items: 4
Unique Items: yes
Name | Type | Description | Required |
governance | boolean |
yes |
Additional Properties: not allowed
- Create a folder in
, let's say akash for example, so./chains/mainnets/akash/
- Create a chain.json in your folder
- Copy/paste the below template in
"$schema": "../../chain.schema.json",
"name": "akash",
"chainName": "Akash",
"logo_URIs": {
"png": "",
"svg": ""
"rpcUrl": "",
"restUrl": "",
"chainId": "akashnet-2",
"bech32": "akash",
"denom": "akt",
"denomUpper": "AKT",
"sdenom": "uakt",
"coinType": 118,
"gasPriceStep": {
"low": 0.025,
"average": 0.025,
"high": 0.025
"coinDecimals": 6,
"features": [
"coinGeckoId": "akash-network",
"chainInfo": {
"cosmosSdkVersion": "0.45.16",
"ibcGoVersion": "4.4.2"
"colors": {
"primaryOnLight": "#cb262a",
"primaryOnDark": "#cb262a",
"lighterOnLight": "#ed3324",
"lighterOnDark": "#ed3324",
"darkerOnLight": "#ed3324",
"darkerOnDark": "#ed3324"
"links": [
"title": "Official Website",
"url": "",
"icon": {
"svg": "web"
"title": "Docs",
"url": "",
"icon": {
"svg": "document"
"title": "GitHub",
"url": "",
"icon": {
"svg": "github"
"title": "Learn more",
"icon": {
"svg": "dotsHorizontal"
"children": [
"title": "Medium",
"url": "",
"icon": {
"svg": "medium"
"title": "Twitter",
"url": "",
"icon": {
"svg": "twitter"
"isExplorerEnabled": true,
"isModuleEnabled": {
"governance": true
"isNativelySupportedByKeplr": true,
"withCoingeckoApi": true,
"isFeatured": true
- Update the Akash values with yours