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CoreUsefulSDK for iOS

A most useful SDK written for iOS Projects.

Check out the docs/index.html file to explore all useful methods.


CoreUsefulSDK uses new Swift Package Manager which is easiest way introduced for iOS projects since from the beginning.

From Xcode simply select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency... and paste to search field. You can specify rules according to your preferences and you are ready to use.

Useful Extensions Collection

The library itself contains more than 100 extensions, which are not only as a placeholder, but really useful to contain.

Still in progress.

Array Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

func get(index: Int) -> Element?

Returns element at the index, if index is valid.

func insert(_ nullableElement: Element?)

Appends element to array if its not nil. So that, you don't need to check beforehand.

func insert(_ nullableArray: [Element]?) 

Appends elements into the current array.

static func + (Array<Element>, Element?) -> Array<Element>

// example usage
let newArray = ["1", "2", "3"] + "4"

Inserts the element into given array by using + operator.

static func += (Array<Element>, Element?)

// example usage
var array = ["1", "2", "3"]
array += "4"

Inserts the element into given array by using += operator.

AVPlayer Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, macOS)

var isPlaying: Bool

Checks rate and error state of the player, and returns true if player conforms and started to play.

Bundle Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

class var versionInfo: String

Returns user friendly app version string.

CGSize Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

static func - (CGSize, CGFloat) -> CGSize

Reduces the width and height with the given amount.

// How to use:
let size = CGSize(width: 5, height: 5)
let newSize = size - 3

static func + (CGSize, CGFloat) -> CGSize

Increases the width and height with the given amount.

// How to use:
let size = CGSize(width: 5, height: 5)
let newSize = size + 3

static func += (CGSize, CGSize) -> CGSize

Adds right handside to left handside.

// How to use:
var size = CGSize(width: 5, height: 5)
size += CGSize(width: 3, height: 3)

static func -= (CGSize, CGSize) -> CGSize

Decreases the size with the given right handside.

// How to use:
var size = CGSize(width: 5, height: 5)
size -= CGSize(width: 3, height: 3)

static func += (CGSize, CGFloat) -> CGSize
static func += (CGSize, Double) -> CGSize
static func += (CGSize, Int) -> CGSize

Adds right handside to left handside.

// How to use:
var size = CGSize(width: 5, height: 5)
size += 3

static func -= (CGSize, CGFloat) -> CGSize
static func -= (CGSize, Double) -> CGSize
static func -= (CGSize, Int) -> CGSize

Decreases the size with the given right handside.

// How to use:
var size = CGSize(width: 5, height: 5)
size -= 3

CGPoint Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

static func + (CGPoint, CGFloat) -> CGPoint

Increases the X and Y points with the given amount.

// How to use:
let point = CGPoint(x: 5, y: 5)
let newPoint = point + 3

static func - (CGPoint, CGFloat) -> CGPoint

Reduces the X and Y points with the given amount.

// How to use:
let point = CGPoint(x: 5, y: 5)
let newPoint = point - 3

static func + (CGPoint, CGPoint) -> CGPoint

Adds two point.

// How to use:
let newPoint = CGPoint(x: 5, y: 5) + CGPoint(x: 3, y:3)

static func - (CGPoint, CGPoint) -> CGPoint

Reduces the point with the given point.

// How to use:
let newPoint = CGPoint(x: 5, y: 5) - CGPoint(x: 3, y:3)

func += (CGPoint, CGPoint) -> CGPoint

Adds right handside to left handside.

// How to use:
var point = CGPoint(x: 5, y: 5)
point += CGPoint(x: 3, y: 3)

static func -= (CGPoint, CGPoint) -> CGPoint

Decreases left handside with right handside.

// How to use:
var point = CGPoint(x: 5, y: 5)
point -= CGPoint(x: 3, y: 3)

static func += (CGPoint, CGFloat) -> CGPoint
static func += (CGPoint, Double) -> CGPoint
static func += (CGPoint, Int) -> CGPoint

Adds right handside to left handside.

// How to use:
var point = CGPoint(x: 5, y: 5)
point += 3

static func -= (CGPoint, CGFloat) -> CGPoint
static func -= (CGPoint, Double) -> CGPoint
static func -= (CGPoint, Int) -> CGPoint

Decreases the size with the given right handside.

// How to use:
var point = CGPoint(x: 5, y: 5)
point -= 3

CLLocation Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

init(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D)

Initializes the location object with the given coordinates.

CLLocationCoordinate2D Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

var logDescription: String

Represents latitude and longitude information in a readable way.

static func == (CLLocationCoordinate2D, CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> Bool

CLLocationCoordinate conforms equality, and gives possibility to compare two of them.

CLLocationDegrees Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

var inMeters: Double

Converts Degrees into meters value.

CMTime Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, macOS)

func getTimeLabel() -> String

Returns readable time tabel from minutes and seconds. (e.g. XX:XX)

static func + (CMTime, TimeInterval) -> CMTime

Returns CMTime with adding specified interval.

// How to use:
let newTime = CMTime(seconds: 50, preferredTimescale: .min) + 50

static func - (CMTime, TimeInterval) -> CMTime

Returns CMTime with decreasing specified interval.

// How to use:
let newTime = CMTime(seconds: 50, preferredTimescale: .min) - 50

static func += (CMTime, TimeInterval) -> CMTime

Adds time interval to CMTime object.

// How to use:
var time = CMTime(seconds: 50, preferredTimescale: .min)
time += 50

static func -= (CMTime, TimeInterval) -> CMTime

Decreases CMTime object with the given time interval.

// How to use:
var time = CMTime(seconds: 50, preferredTimescale: .min)
time -= 50

Date Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

func isSameDay(Date) -> Bool

Returns true, if it belongs to the same day with the given date value.

func format(String) -> String

Returns date object with the given format as string.

var isToday: Bool

Returns true if date corresponds today.

var isYesterday: Bool

Returns true if date corresponds yesterday.

var isTomorrow: Bool

Returns true if date corresponds tomorrow.

var isTheDayAfterTomorrow: Bool

Returns true if date corresponds the day after tomorrow.

Double Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

func rounded(Int) -> Double

Rounds the double to decimal places value.

Int Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

var asFahrenheit: Int

Converts the integer format Celcius into the Fahrenheit.

var asCelcius: Int

Converts the integer format Fahrenheit into the Celcius.

MKMapView Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, macOS)

func setCenter(offset: CGPoint, coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, animated: Bool) -> Double

Sets center of the mapview with the given offset.

func edgePoints(dx: CGFloat, dy: CGFloat) -> Edges

Converts Edge points with the given insets.

NSAttributedString Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

Dictionary Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

NSError Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

NSObject Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

String Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

UIAlertAction Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

UIAlertController Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

UIApplication Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

UICollectionView Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

UIColor Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS)

UIDevice Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

UIFont Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS)

UILabel Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

UIStatusBarStyle Extensions (Available iOS)

UITableView Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

UIView Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

URL Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV, watchOS, macOS)

UIKit Localizations Extensions (Available iOS, Apple TV)

All UI elements, have inspectable variable for the texts that might useful to have direct setter for localized string.

Logging Manager

All services that are part of the UsefulSDK or any other service in the app level can use, LoggingManager service to pass messages.

The listener class from the app-level should be set into LoggingManager.delegate property, which also needs to conform LoggingDelegate protocol, and can receive messages via log:message:level:domain:source: method.


Each messages from the LoggingManager carry their level, e.g. importance.

/// minimum level of logs
case verbose

/// standard level of logs
case info

/// warning level
case warning

/// level for error logs
case error


In order to messages do more sense, also all messages carry their specified domain informations, e.g. which kind of part of the application/service responsible for it.

/// app domain
case app

/// view domain
case view

/// layout domain
case layout

/// controller domain
case controller

/// routing domain
case routing

/// service domain
case service

/// network domain
case network

/// data model domain
case model

/// cache domain
case cache

/// database domain
case db

/// input/output domain
case io