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Releases: eversport/pyro-form

Going functional

30 Oct 14:21
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Migration to functional component

This release was about making pyro-form simpler and better to reason with than before. It also allows for better manageable adding of features going onwards. This still is handled as a breaking change since while being on it we decided to drop some of the exposed values/callbacks to further simplify the API.

If there is a need for them to have a comeback we are open to that.

Improve Render Child Props

24 Jun 13:46
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Expose handleChange function in child render props to allow easy setting of different/multiple form fields.

Simpler Minimal Forms

11 Mar 16:37
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With this release a new Form component is exposed which takes the current context's handleSubmit function an uses it on itself. Also passing in a render-as-a-child function to PyroForm is now optional. So a now working minimal form looks like this:

export const BasicExample = () => (
  <PyroForm initialValues={initialValues} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
      <HookInput<InitialValues> name="name" type="text" />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

React Hooks Support

08 Feb 10:58
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  • Update all dependencies
  • Create usePyroField hook to simplify PyroField creation
  • Update examples

Improve onChange handler

08 Feb 09:20
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  • Pass changed value into onChange callback together with a generic onChange function: Closes #5


  • Update typescript version
  • Remove unnecessary ts-ignores
  • Update examples
  • Export typings for the onChange and for the onSubmit handler

First stable release

04 Dec 11:33
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Over the last months pyro-form has been battle tested at Eversports and with the last minimal changes we now feel comfortable to publish a first major release. We will respect the principles of semver on this repo so don't be (too) afraid of code changes an patch/minor releases.

I hope you love pyro-form as much as we do!